15 years of Common Service Centres Special Purpose Vehicle (CSC SPV)
- Set up by – Ministry of Electronics & IT
- Formed under – Companies Act, 1956.
- Objective –
- To provide a centralized collaborative framework for delivery of services to citizens through CSCs.
- To develop CSCs as a reliable and ubiquitous IT-enabled network of citizen service points.
Common Service Centres:
- Acts as Front-end delivery points for Government, private and social sector services to rural citizens of India
- Part of – National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) approved in 2006.
- Services offered by CSCs – G2C (Aadhar Services, ITR filing, etc.), B2C (Bharat Bill Pay System, Mobile and DTH recharge, etc.), Financial services (banking, insurance, pension, etc.)
CSC 2.0:
- Launched in – 2015
- A service delivery-oriented entrepreneurship model
- Offers number of services through optimum utilization of infrastructure such as –
- State Wide Area Network (SWAN)
- State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG)
- State Data Centre (SDC)
- National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN)/BharatNet.
Source: PIB
Previous Year Question
Consider the following statements:
Statement-I : Interest income from the deposits in Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) distributed to their investors are exempted from tax, but the dividend is taxable.
Statement-II : InvITs are recognized as borrowers under the ‘Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002’.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
[UPSC Civil Service Exam – 2023 Prelims]
(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I
(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I
(c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect
(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct
Answer: (d)
Statement 1 is incorrect. REITs and InvITs make distributions to their unitholders in the form of interest, dividend income, and rental income all of which are taxed in the hands of unit holders.