Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare data show that as of March this year, there were 1.47 crore certificates generated during Digital Life Certificates (DLCs) campaign.
Jeevan Pramaan:
- A biometric-enabled, Aadhaar-based digital service for generating Digital Life Certificates (DLCs).
- Since 2014, the government has been issuing Digital Life Certificates (DLCs), or Jeevan Pramaan, so the pensioner does not have to physically appear before the pension-disbursing authorities
- Launched by – Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DoPPW)
- Legal Recognition – Officially recognized under the Information Technology Act.
- Accessibility – Can be generated online from anywhere and is directly available to the relevant pension-disbursing authority
- Eligibility – Available to pensioners from Central and State Governments, Defence services, Railways, public sector undertakings, and many higher education institutions.
- Distribution – DLCs are distributed by various government bodies, forming the basis for pensioners’ income and sustainability.
- Face Authentication – Added as an option from 2021 onwards.
- Annual Submission – Retirees must submit a life certificate every November to continue receiving their pensions.
- Geographical Distribution – The highest number of DLCs have been generated in Maharashtra, followed by Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and Karnataka.
Source: The Indian Express
Previous Year Question
Who among the following can join the National Pension System (NPS)?
[UPSC Civil Service Exam – 2017 Prelims]
(a) Resident Indian citizens only.
(b) Persons of age from 21 to 55 only.
(c) All-State Government employees joining the services after the date of notification by the respective State Governments.
(d) All Central Governments Employees including those of Armed Forces joining the services on or after 1st April 2004.
Answer: (c)