Solar-Powered Micro-Irrigation

Solar-Powered Micro-Irrigation

GS Paper III – Different Types of Irrigation and Irrigation Systems; Storage, Transport and Marketing of Agricultural Produce and Issues and Related Constraints

To ensure the long-term sustainability of agriculture, the Union government has been promoting the application of micro-irrigation and solar energy in agriculture.

Solar-Powered Micro-Irrigation in India combines solar energy and efficient irrigation techniques to enhance agricultural productivity. By harnessing the power of the sun, these systems drive water pumps, ensuring reliable irrigation for crops. This sustainable approach reduces greenhouse gas emissions, promotes energy independence, and supports farmers across the country.

India possesses the capacity to cover 88.7 million hectares with micro-irrigation and harness 102.4 gigawatts of solar power for irrigation. Regrettably, only 17.6 percent of the micro-irrigation potential and 2.6 percent of the solar power potential for irrigation have been utilized so far.

  • The Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) component under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY):
    • Water Conservation: PDMC focuses on efficient water use, minimizing wastage, and conserving this precious resource.
    • Nutrient-Use Efficiency: By optimizing water application, PDMC enhances nutrient uptake by crops, leading to better agricultural productivity.
    • Crop Yields Enhancement: The program aims to increase crop yields through judicious water management practices.
    • Climate Resilience: PDMC equips farmers to adapt to climate change by ensuring sustainable water availability.
  • Objectives:
    • Convergence of Investments: PMKSY aims to align irrigation investments at the field level by preparing district and, if needed, sub-district water use plans.
    • Enhanced Access to Water: The program seeks to expand cultivable areas under assured irrigation (Har Khet ko Pani).
    • Efficient Water Use: Integration of water sources and distribution, promoting best practices and technologies for optimal water utilization.
    • Farm Water Efficiency: Reducing wastage and increasing water availability on farms.
    • Precision Irrigation: Encouraging adoption of water-saving technologies (More crop per drop).
    • Aquifer Recharge and Conservation: Sustainable practices to recharge groundwater.
    • Rainfed Area Development: Watershed-based approaches for soil and water conservation, livelihood options, and natural resource management.
    • Extension Activities: Promoting water harvesting, management, and crop alignment.
    • Wastewater Reuse: Exploring treated municipal wastewater for peri-urban agriculture.
  • Components:
    • Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP): Launched in 1996, it accelerates irrigation projects beyond state resources. So far, 53 projects have been completed, adding 25.14 lakh hectares of irrigation potential.
    • Har Khet ko Pani (HKKP): Focuses on creating new water sources through minor irrigation, repairing water bodies, and constructing rainwater harvesting structures. Sub-components include Command Area Development (CAD), Surface Minor Irrigation (SMI), and more.
    • Watershed Development: Effective management of runoff water, soil conservation, and moisture conservation activities at the watershed level.
  • Formulation and Implementation:
    • PMKSY combines schemes like AIBP, Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP), and On-Farm Water Management (OFWM).
    • Implementation occurs through decentralized State Irrigation Plans and District Irrigation Plans.
  • About PM-KUSUM:
    • Launched by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in 2019.
    • Aims to install off-grid solar pumps in rural areas and reduce grid dependence in connected regions.
  • Components:
    • Decentralized Grid-Connected Plants:
      • Target: 10,000 MW of renewable power plants.
    • Solar-Powered Agriculture Pumps:
      • Goal: Install 20 lakh solar pumps.
    • Conversion of Grid-Connected Pumps:
      • Transform 15 lakh existing grid-connected pumps into solar-powered systems.
  • Objectives:
    • Enable farmers to generate solar power on arid lands and sell it to the grid.
    • Boost farmers’ income by allowing surplus solar power sales.
  • Achievements (As of 31.05.2024):
    • Solar Capacity:
      • Total Sanctioned: 4,766 MW
      • Total Installed: 209.28 MW
    • Standalone Pumps:
      • Total Sanctioned: 12,94,787
      • Total Installed: 3,49,494
    • Individual Pump Solarization (IPS):
      • Total Sanctioned: 1,61,204
      • Total Installed: 2,644
    • Feeder Level Solarization (FLS):
      • Total Sanctioned: 33,76,466
      • Total Solarized: 9,603.

The synergy between micro-irrigation and solar energy remains largely untapped. When we combine micro-irrigation techniques with solar-powered pumps, we unlock numerous advantages. These include economic gains, ecological benefits, and positive impacts on the environment. By harnessing both technologies, we can enhance agricultural productivity while minimizing resource use.

  • Water and Energy Conservation:
    • Micro-irrigation saves 15-50 percent of water.
    • Solar-powered pumps reduce energy consumption for groundwater extraction.
    • Excess saved energy can be sold to utilities or used for various activities.
  • Improved Agricultural Returns:
    • Lower energy costs and increased crop yield enhance farming profits.
  • Groundwater Protection:
    • Solar-powered micro-irrigation mitigates over-extraction risks compared to flood irrigation.
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction:
    • Solarizing electric and diesel pumps reduces carbon emissions.
  • Lack of Institutional Arrangements:
    • While both PM-KUSUM and PMKSY encourage convergence, they lack a strategic plan and clear institutional arrangements.
    • Implementation often occurs independently in different states and by various agencies.
  • Uncertain Benefits:
    • Solar pumps expand renewable energy use but may not always lead to significant greenhouse gas emission reduction.
    • Challenges:
      • Farmers use multiple energy sources for diverse needs, regardless of daylight or weather.
      • Solar pump adoption might alter land use and input choices, potentially increasing carbon-intensive practices.
      • Net emissions impact varies based on these factors.
  • Groundwater Depletion:
    • Carbon-neutral solar-powered irrigation can still strain groundwater resources due to zero pumping costs.
    • While beneficial in hydrogeologically supportive areas, it poses risks in regions heavily reliant on groundwater.
  • Single-Window Approach:
    • Streamlining processes, from beneficiary registration to solar-powered micro-irrigation installation, requires a unified approach.
    • Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) can facilitate joint implementation, as seen in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat for micro-irrigation.
  • Integrated Information Collection:
    • Enhancing data quality and scope on water, land, and energy use necessitates a shift from isolated to integrated approaches.
  • Enhanced Ground-Based Observation Networks:
    • These networks provide valuable public information about water availability and variability.
  • Electricity Subsidy as Capital Subsidy:
    • Repurposing electricity subsidies as capital subsidies for solar pumps improves the economic viability of solar-powered micro-irrigation systems.
  • Telemetry in Solar Pumps:
    • Incorporating built-in sensors and telemetry enhances monitoring capabilities.
  • Clear Objectives:
    • Policymaking should define achievable goals for solar irrigation while closely monitoring limitations, including carbon emissions and groundwater depletion.

India sets its sights on achieving net-zero emissions by 2070, the strategic combination of micro-irrigation and solar power technologies emerges as a promising pathway. By integrating these approaches, we can enhance water efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and promote sustainable agricultural practices. As we move forward, defining clear objectives, fostering institutional collaboration, and leveraging data-driven insights will be critical to realizing the full potential of this synergy. Together, we can cultivate a greener, more resilient future for our nation.

Source: The Hindu

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