Settling trade disputes through ‘litigotiation’

Settling trade disputes through ‘litigotiation’

GS Paper 2 – Important International institutions, agencies, for a (structure, mandate); Bilateral, Regional, Global groupings & Agreements (involving and/or affecting India)

The artful settlement of complex disputes during litigation, or broadly ‘litigotiation’, was key to solving the long pending India- U.S. poultry dispute.

The Hindu| Editorial dated 10th June  2024

In international diplomacy, managing trade disputes often involves delicate negotiations, balancing immediate issues with broader bilateral ties. Recently, India and the U.S. have demonstrated a remarkable capacity to resolve long-standing trade conflicts, culminating in the settlement of seven  World Trade Organization (WTO)  disputes.

  • Consultations
    • Initial Step: Before initiating a formal dispute, the complaining party must request consultations with the defending party to try resolving the issue amicably through negotiations.
      • Time Frames: Consultations must be held within specific time frames, encouraging the parties to find a mutually agreeable solution.
  • Panel Establishment
    • Request for Panel: If consultations fail, the complaining party can request the establishment of a dispute settlement panel, overseen by the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB).
      • DSB Authority: The General Council, acting as the DSB, has the authority to:
        • Establish dispute settlement panels,
        • Refer matters to arbitration,
        • Adopt panel, Appellate Body, and arbitration reports,
        • Monitor the implementation of recommendations and rulings,
        • Authorize suspension of concessions if there is non-compliance.
      • Panel Composition: The panel is made up of independent experts in trade law and the specific subject matter of the dispute. They review arguments from both sides and issue a report.
  • Panel Report
    • Content: The panel’s report includes findings of fact, legal interpretations, and recommendations for resolution.
      • Circulation: The report is circulated to all WTO members for review and comment.
  • Adoption or Appeal
    • Adoption: The DSB adopts the panel report unless there is a consensus against it.
      • Appeal: If consensus is not reached, the matter can be appealed to the Appellate Body.
  • WTO’s Appellate Body
    • Establishment: Created in 1995 under Article 17 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU).
      • Composition: A standing body of seven members who serve four-year terms.
      • Function: The Appellate Body hears appeals from panel reports, and can uphold, modify, or reverse the legal findings and conclusions.
      • Finality: Appellate Body reports, once adopted by the DSB, are binding on the parties to the dispute.
      • Location: The Appellate Body is based in Geneva, Switzerland.

The World Trade Organization’s Appellate Body is currently non-functional. The United States blocked appointments of new members since 2019, critical for the body to operate.

  • Background:
    • The poultry dispute was initiated by the U.S. in 2012 over India’s import restrictions on poultry products due to avian influenza concerns.
    • It was the oldest of the seven disputes and involved sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures.
    • The U.S. argued that India’s measures deviated from internationally recognized standards and lacked scientific justification.
  • WTO Rulings:
    • Both the WTO panel and the Appellate Body ruled in favor of the U.S., mandating India to amend its measures.
  • Settlement:
    • After a decade, India avoided a $450 million annual retaliation claim by agreeing to reduce tariffs on select products, marking a significant diplomatic breakthrough.
  • The collective resolution of 7 disputes including poultry, represents an unprecedented achievement in international trade dispute settlement.
  • Importance of Diplomatic Channels
    • The resolution highlights the effectiveness of bilateral diplomatic channels, especially in the absence of a functional WTO Appellate Body.
    • The disputes covered a range of issues, from subsidies to SPS measures, showcasing the complexity handled through diplomacy.
  • Stable Trade Environment:
    • This diplomatic success fosters a more stable international trade environment where disputes are managed proactively.
  • India-U.S. Partnership:

The resolution of seven WTO disputes between India and the U.S. represents a significant diplomatic achievement, highlighting the efficacy of bilateral negotiations in resolving complex trade issues. This development not only strengthens India-U.S. economic relations but also sets a precedent for managing international trade conflicts in the absence of functional multilateral bodies.


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