Marching ahead with technology absorption

Marching ahead with technology absorption

GS Paper 3 – Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate.

Applications where to apply?
When asked about
– Disruptive Technology
– Technology adoption by Army
– Defence Modernisation

The Indian Army has designated the year 2024 as the ‘Year of Technology Absorption’ to embrace disruptive technologies.


The Hindu | Editorial dated 9th April 2024

In 2024, the Indian Army embarks on a transformative journey marked by the observance of the ‘Year of Technology Absorption.’ This strategic initiative underscores the Army’s commitment to leveraging technological advancements to maintain its edge in an ever-evolving warfare landscape. Central to this endeavour is the concept of Atmanirbharta, encapsulating self-reliance and innovation in technology adoption.

The absorption will be mainly in terms of disruptive technology (DT) comprising artificial intelligence  , autonomous weapon systems such as drones , sensors, robotics, space technology, and hypersonic weapon systems .

  • The Army has identified 45 specific technologies tailored for military applications, demonstrating its proactive approach towards leveraging emerging technologies in defense operations.
  • Through the UDAAN initiative, the Indian Air Force (IAF) is integrating artificial intelligence (AI), cyber capabilities, and virtual reality (VR) to enhance operational effectiveness, logistics management, and training procedures.
  • The Navy has embarked on initiatives such as the Integrated Unmanned Roadmap and prioritizing indigenization efforts, showcasing its commitment to embracing emerging technologies for maritime defence.
  • The Defence Ministry’s ‘AIDef’ initiative highlights its endeavours to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into various defence-related organizations.
  • Key components include the establishment of the Defence AI Council and the Defence AI Project Agency, aimed at facilitating AI integration across Defence Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO).
  • The Indian military is incorporating drones and launching communication satellites to bolster military communications capabilities, demonstrating a forward-looking approach to address evolving threats.
  • The establishment of the Defence Cyber Agency and the Defence Space Agency underscores the recognition of emerging domains as critical areas for defence readiness and response.
  • iDEX aims to achieve self – reliance and foster innovation and technology development in Defence and Aerospace by engaging Industries including Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), start-ups, individual innovators, R&D institutes and academia.
  • Maintaining Military Superiority:
    • Disruptive technologies can give a nation’s military an edge over adversaries by providing capabilities that are unmatched or difficult to counter.
    • Several nations, led by the United States and China, have remarkable accomplishments in the field of DTs.
    •  The strategic competition and engagements in the future are going to be inevitably decided by the edge a nation possesses in absorbing these technologies.
  • Enhanced Battlefield Awareness:
    • Technologies like AI and big data analytics can analyze massive amounts of data to provide real-time insights into enemy movements, threats, and vulnerabilities on the battlefield.
  • Improved Decision-Making:
    • Disruptive technologies can empower commanders with superior data and faster processing capabilities.
    • This can lead to more informed decisions during missions, potentially saving lives and accomplishing objectives more effectively.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency:
    • Autonomous systems like drones and robots can take on dangerous or repetitive tasks, freeing up human soldiers for more strategic roles.
    • This can also reduce casualties by keeping soldiers out of harm’s way.
  • Strengthened Deterrence Capabilities:
    • Advanced weaponry like hypersonic missiles can deter potential aggressors by showcasing a nation’s ability to inflict swift and decisive damage.
    • This can prevent conflicts from arising in the first place.

Absorption involves the acquisition, adaptation, and integration of new technologies into existing military structures, known as legacy systems.

  • Role of Legacy Systems:
    • It’s essential to complement existing platforms with new technologies rather than replacing them entirely, emphasizing integration over substitution.
  • Adapting to New Conditions:
    • Adaptation is key, with emphasis on operational and tactical changes rather than solely technological advancements.
    • Tactics must evolve to enhance survivability and effectiveness in the face of technological advancements by adversaries.
  • Empowering Units with Access to Technology:
    • Democratization entails ensuring that units at various levels within the military hierarchy have access to and understanding of emerging technologies.
    • This involves providing training, resources, and support to units to effectively utilize advanced technologies in their operations.

Technology absorption is significant for the Indian military in navigating the evolving landscape of modern warfare. By embracing disruptive technologies while leveraging traditional strengths, the Indian Army aims to enhance its operational capabilities and maintain strategic superiority. This initiative reflects a commitment to innovation, self-reliance, and adaptability in the face of emerging threats and challenges.

Related Topics

Launched in April 2018, the Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) initiative represents a significant step to modernize its domestic defence industry.

  • Fostering a Culture of Innovation: iDEX aims to bridge the gap between traditional defence procurement and the agile, fast-paced world of innovation. It actively seeks participation from a wider pool of talent, including:
    • Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)exclamation
    • Startups and individual innovators
    • Research and Development institutions
    • Academic institutes
  • Financial and Strategic Support: iDEX goes beyond just funding. It provides a comprehensive support system to help these entities translate their ideas into reality. This support can include:
    • Grant funding for research and development projects with promising applications for the Indian defence and aerospace sectors.
    • Mentorship and guidance to navigate the complexities of defence procurement and product development.
    • Access to testing facilities and infrastructure to help refine prototypes.
  • Defence Innovation Organisation (DIO): It acts as the executive arm, managing the program’s operations, funding allocation, and project selection.

ORF online – Indian-army-s-year-of-technological-advancement  


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