India middle east relations

India and its Neighborhood- Relations.
Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
(GS 2)

The Hindu,14/10/2023

Tensions in the Middle Eastern Region(war,conflicts)


  • The Middle East is a geopolitical region that covers several countries and territories in Western Asia, North Africa, and sometimes beyond.
  • The region is home to diverse cultures, religions, languages, and ethnic groups, as well as some of the world’s oldest civilizations and most influential empires.
  • Some of the countries and territories that are usually considered part of the Middle East are: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
  • The region has a hot and arid climate in most areas, except for some mountainous regions and coastal areas that have more moderate temperatures and rainfall.
  • The region is rich in natural resources, especially oil and gas, which have been the main drivers of its economic development and geopolitical importance.
  • The region also has several major rivers that provide irrigation and water supply for agriculture and human consumption, such as the Nile,Tigris, Euphrates,Jordan river.
  • The region is often seen as a region of conflict and instability, due to its long history of wars, revolutions, ethnic tensions, religious disputes, and political turmoil.

Current issues that affect the middle eastern region

  • Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  • Syrian civil war
  • Iranian nuclear program
  • Yemeni civil war
  • Kurdish question
  • Rise of Islamic extremism and terrorism
  • Rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
  • Tensions between Israel and the Arab World

India and the Middle East have a long and complex relationship that spans across various domains such as politics, economics, culture, and security.


  • India increased its interaction with the Gulf nations, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which are key suppliers of oil, investment, and remittances for India.
  • India joined the West Asia Quad or I2U2, a group of India, Israel, the UAE, and the US, to enhance cooperation on regional matters .
  • India has also strengthened its relationship with Israel, which is a strategic ally in defense, technology, and innovation. India and Israel have worked together on various initiatives, such as agriculture, water management, cybersecurity, and space.
  • India has followed a balanced policy towards Iran, which is an important partner for India’s connectivity and trade with Central Asia and Afghanistan. India has also backed the Iran nuclear deal and opposed unilateral sanctions on Iran.
  • During the humanitarian crisis in Turkey and Syria caused by a severe earthquake in 2023,India has delivered a large-scale aid package, including a field hospital and medical team, to help the affected people.
  • India has received an invitation from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as a guest of honor at its foreign ministers’ meeting in 2019. This was a significant sign of recognition and respect for India’s role and contribution to the Islamic world.


  • The Middle East is a crucial region for India’s energy security, as it provides about two-thirds of India’s total oil imports.
  • Bilateral trade, especially with the UAE, Iran and other Middle Eastern countries in the Persian Gulf are growing in recent years.
  • The major oil companies of the region- ARAMCO and ADNOC are deepening their engagement with the Indian companies both public and private.
  • Saudi Arabia is set to invest $100 billion in energy, refining, petrochemical and also in the field of agriculture, infrastructure and mining and allied sector.
  •  India has launched the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) .This ambitious trade and investment initiative aims to increase connectivity and economic integration between Asia and Europe via energy infrastructure, railways, high-speed cables, and shipping lanes  .
  • India has also explored opportunities for cooperation in renewable energy, food security, health care, education, tourism, and culture with the Middle Eastern countries.
  • India has leveraged its diaspora of about nine million Indians living and working in the Middle East to enhance its economic ties and soft power. The remittances from these workers amount to over $40 billion annually, contributing to India’s foreign exchange reserves and development .


  • India and the Middle East share deep civilizational contacts, cultural exchange and historical linkages that date back to ancient times. The Silk Road and maritime trade between ancient civilizations facilitated the flow of goods, ideas, religions, languages, arts, and sciences between the two regions .
  • India’s cultural diversity and pluralism have been influenced by various Middle Eastern traditions, such as Islam, Sufism, Persian literature, Mughal architecture, Arabic numerals, and cuisine.
  • India’s soft power in the Middle East is also evident in its popular culture, such as movies, music, dance, yoga, Ayurveda, cricket, and fashion. These aspects of Indian culture have a wide appeal and fan base among the Middle Eastern audiences .
  • India has also promoted cultural diplomacy and people-to-people exchanges with the Middle Eastern countries through various initiatives, such as cultural festivals, academic collaborations, scholarships, exchange programs, media partnerships, and tourism campaigns.
  • India has also sought to preserve and promote its shared heritage with the Middle East by participating in joint conservation projects of historical sites and monuments.


Practice Question
Analyze the opportunities and challenges for India’s engagement with the Middle East in the context of the recent developments and trends in the region.

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