An icy warning


GS Paper 3 – Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment
GS Paper 1 – Important Geophysical Phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone etc., geographical features and their location-changes in critical geographical features (including water-bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes.

The World Meteorological Organization’s latest report, “The Global Climate 2011 – 2020,” notes that, on average, glaciers worldwide underwent an annual thinning of about one meter from 2011 to 2020 in the section discussing glacier health

The Hindu | Editorial dated 11- December 2023

  • Glaciers are massive blocks of moving ice.
  • Glaciers take thousands of years to form.
  • They form as accumulated snow in cold regions compacts and recrystallizes.
  • Examples include mountains and polar glaciers, distinct from large Arctic plates.
  • Classified based on morphology: ice fields, cirque glaciers, valley glaciers, etc.
  • Classification by climate: polar, tropical, or temperate.
  • Categorized by thermal conditions: cold, hot, or polythermal base.
  • Glaciers cover 10% of the Earth’s surface.
  • Combined with ice caps, they contribute to nearly 70% of the world’s fresh water.
  • 91% of glaciers are in Antarctica.
  • Greenland houses 8% of the world’s glaciers.
  • Overall, glaciers occupy about 10% of the world’s total land area.
  • Glaciers as Freshwater Reservoirs:
    • Approximately three-quarters of Earth’s freshwater is stored in glaciers.
    • Glacier ice constitutes the second-largest reservoir of water on Earth and is the primary source of freshwater.
  • Ecological Importance:
    • Glacial meltwater supports aquatic life in mountainous environments.
    • Changes in stream habitat may affect native trout and other species.
  • Resource for Humans:
    • Glaciers provide fertile soil (glacial till) for agriculture.
    • Deposits of sand and gravel are used in construction (concrete and asphalt).
  • Climate Impact:
    • Melting glacier water affects ocean currents, contributing to sea level rise.
    • Polar ice caps, acting as the planet’s “air conditioner,” influence weather dynamics and the jet stream.
  • Indicators of Climate Change:
    • Glaciers serve as early indicators of climate change, acting as sentinels.
  • Water Source for People:
    • People in arid climates near mountains rely on glacial meltwater for drinking water.
    • Examples include the Ganges and Yangtze rivers.
  • Agricultural and Power Generation:
    • Farmers in Switzerland’s Rhone Valley have historically irrigated crops with meltwater from glaciers.
    • Glacial resources are tapped for hydroelectric power generation in various regions like Norway, central Europe, Canada, New Zealand, and South America.
  • CO2 Emissions:
    • Industrial activities, transport, and deforestation contribute to the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases.
    • Increased concentration warms the planet, leading to glacial melting.
  • Ocean Warming:
    • Oceans, absorbing 90% of Earth’s warmth, impact marine glaciers near the poles and Alaska’s coasts.
    • Global warming and temperature increases accelerate glacier melting, surpassing snow accumulation rates.
  • Deforestation, Fossil Fuels, and Industry:
    • Deforestation, burning fossil fuels, and industrial processes significantly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
    • These emissions act as catalysts for global warming, directly influencing glacier melt.
  • Shifts in Precipitation:
    • Changes in precipitation quantity, timing, and form affect glacier extent and thickness.
  • Natural Factors:
    • Volcanic activity and variations in solar radiation are natural elements influencing glacier melting.
  • Rising Sea Levels:
    • Melting glaciers contribute to rising sea levels, posing risks to coastal communities and infrastructure.
  • Water Scarcity:
    • Glacial melting and retreat can lead to water scarcity, impacting agriculture and various industries.
  • Changes in Weather Patterns:
    • Melting glaciers influence weather patterns, affecting temperature, precipitation, and phenomena like the destabilization of North Atlantic salinity balance and changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).
  • Ecosystem Disruption:
    • Melting glaciers disrupt ecosystems, causing changes in biodiversity, food webs, and other ecological systems.
  • Potential for Natural Disasters:
    • Melting glaciers create the potential for natural disasters such as flash floods or landslides, with catastrophic effects on human life and infrastructure.
  • Reduced Albedo Effect:
    • Melting glaciers reduce the Earth’s ability to reflect sunlight, leading to increased absorption of solar radiation and warmer temperatures.
  • Pro-Glacial Lakes and GLOF Threats:
    • The report highlights the rapid growth of pro-glacial lakes.
    • Glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs) pose additional threats to ecosystems and livelihoods.
  • GLOF Causes and Concerns:
    • Glaciers are susceptible to bursting due to seismic activity, water pressure buildup, and structural weaknesses.
    • Climate change, characterized by high temperatures and reduced snowfall, accelerates glacier melting, raising water levels and increasing GLOF risks.
  • Glacier and Ice Sheet Loss:
    • Global glaciers experienced an unprecedented thinning of about 1 meter/year between 2011 and 2020.
    • Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets lost 38% more ice compared to 2001-2010, contributing significantly to rising sea levels.
  • Arctic Sea Ice Decline:
    • Arctic sea ice continued its decline during the summer melt season, with a mean seasonal minimum extent 30% below the 1981-2010 average.
  • Regional Variability and Trends:
    • Significant regional variability exists, but the overall trend shows glaciers worldwide becoming smaller.
    • Some reference glaciers, crucial for long-term assessments, have already melted away, with winter snow disappearing completely during summer.
  • Projected Glacier Disappearance:
    • Glaciers on the Rwenzori Mountains and Mount Kenya in Africa are projected to disappear by 2030, along with Kilimanjaro’s glaciers by 2040.
  • Fulfill net-zero emission targets by increasing the use of alternative energy sources like wind and solar power.
  • Drastically reduce global CO2 emissions by 45% within the next decade and achieve zero emissions after 2050 to curb climate change.
  • Encourage the use of energy-efficient appliances, as seen in initiatives like the Green Housing Scheme by the National Housing Bank.
  • Reduce private car usage and greenhouse gas emissions by promoting public transportation.
  • Plant more trees to absorb carbon dioxide, contributing to reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from landfill and waste disposal by minimizing waste and promoting recycling.
  • Combat deforestation to maintain natural carbon sinks, preserving the Earth’s capacity to absorb carbon dioxide.
  • Implement practices in agriculture to reduce emissions and preserve water resources, such as conservation tillage.
  • Collaborate on international agreements to limit carbon emissions and combat global warming, exemplified by initiatives like the Paris Agreement and the Montreal Protocol.
  • Plan and implement measures to adapt to the impacts of melting glaciers, addressing challenges like flooding, water resource management, and infrastructure protection.
  • Consider constructing a 100-meter-long dam in front of severely affected glaciers, like the Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland, to contain erosion.
  • Explore innovative solutions like collecting water from melted glaciers, desalinating it, and refreezing it into large hexagonal ice blocks.
  • Increase glacier thickness by collecting ice from below glaciers through wind-powered pumps and spreading it over upper ice caps. This process strengthens the glacier’s consistency.


The Hindu

World Meteorological Organization

Practice Question

Assess the consequences of melting glaciers and How do these impacts affect human life and ecosystems?

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