A discourse on AI governance that India must shape

GS Paper 2 – Governance
GS Paper 3 – Science and Technology


Summit of the Future (September 22-23, 2024) will be a pivotal moment for global diplomacy, focusing on AI governance.


The Hindu | Editorial dated 4th September 2024

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize various aspects of society, AI governance emerges as a critical area where India can play a transformative role. To shape the global discourse on AI governance, India must approach the issue through multiple dimensions, each addressing key ethical, legal, economic, social, geopolitical, and environmental challenges. Leveraging global initiatives and its capacity to lead on the world stage, India can ensure AI’s development aligns with its values and the broader interests of the  Global South .

  • AI Ethics Framework: India should champion the creation of an AI ethics framework that prioritizes principles such as fairness, transparency, accountability, and inclusivity. This framework should include guidelines to prevent algorithmic biases and ensure AI respects human rights.
  • Regulatory Standards: India must push for a global consensus on AI regulatory standards that safeguard data privacy, ensure cybersecurity  , and establish clear liability frameworks for AI-related harm.
  • Human Rights Alignment: AI governance should ensure AI technologies align with international human rights standards, including those outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
  • AI for Inclusive Growth: AI can bridge economic inequalities by enhancing productivity in sectors like agriculture, healthcare, and education. India should advocate for AI applications that support inclusive development and poverty alleviation.
  • Digital Infrastructure Investment: India needs to invest in digital infrastructure, including high-speed internet and data centers, to support AI development.
  • Skill Development: To maximize AI’s potential, India must focus on AI skill development by integrating AI education into academic curricula and providing  digital literacy training across various age groups.
  • AI Literacy and Education: Promoting AI literacy is crucial for empowering citizens to engage with AI technologies. This includes integrating AI-related topics into school and university curricula.
  • Preservation of Cultural Identity: AI technologies should be culturally sensitive and designed to respect and preserve local languages, traditions, and cultural identities.
  • Social Inclusion: AI governance frameworks must ensure that AI benefits are equitably distributed across society, including among marginalized communities.
  • Global AI Leadership: India should leverage its participation in global platforms like the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) and the United Nations to influence global AI governance. This includes advocating for the interests of the Global South.
  • Strategic Alliances: Building strategic alliances with like-minded countries will enable India to strengthen its position in AI governance discussions. Collaborations with countries that share similar values on digital sovereignty and data protection are essential.
  • Summit of the Future and Global Digital Compact (GDC): India’s active participation in events like the Summit of the Future (September 22-23, 2024) and contributions to the Global Digital Compact (GDC) will be key in shaping international AI norms.
  • Indigenous AI Development: Encouraging indigenous AI innovations that address local challenges is vital for reducing dependency on foreign technologies. AI solutions for crop management, disease prediction, and disaster management are examples.
  • Public-Private Partnerships: India should foster public-private partnerships to drive AI research and development. Collaborations between government, industry, and academia can accelerate innovation and ensure alignment with national priorities.
  • AI Innovation Hubs: Establishing AI innovation hubs across India can stimulate local AI ecosystems, fostering innovation in line with regional needs.
  • AI for Sustainability: AI has the potential to significantly contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing environmental challenges such as climate change. AI-driven solutions for energy efficiency, waste management, and sustainable agriculture should be prioritized.
  • Ethical AI Deployment: AI technologies must be developed and deployed in an environmentally sustainablemanner, minimizing their carbon footprint and optimizing resource usage.
  • Global Digital Compact (GDC): India should ensure that the GDC addresses the digital divide and promotes a secure and inclusive digital environment, with a focus on the needs of the Global South.
  • Summit of the Future: India’s engagement at the Summit of the Future will be critical in advocating for a collaborative multi-stakeholder framework in AI governance.
  • India’s Capacity for Global Change: With its experience in climate negotiations and leadership in South-South cooperation, India is well-positioned to lead the global discourse on AI governance and ensure it reflects the values and needs of developing countries.

India’s approach to shaping the global discourse on AI governance must be multidimensional, addressing ethical, legal, economic, social, geopolitical, and environmental considerations. By actively participating in global initiatives and leveraging its leadership position, India can ensure that AI technologies contribute to a fair, inclusive, and sustainable future, particularly for the Global South.

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Discuss India’s role in shaping global governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? [250 words]

Guidelines to Answer

  • Introduction:
    • Briefly introduce the growing importance of AI in global governance.
    • Highlight the emerging geopolitical contestation between the U.S. and China in the AI domain.
  • India’s Role in Global AI Governance:
    • Discuss India’s active engagement in international fora like the UN, G-20, and GPAI.
    • Mention India’s emphasis on equitable access, fairness, and inclusivity in AI governance.
  • Strategies for Inclusive AI Governance:
    • Suggest how India can push for equitable access to AI technology and capacity building for developing nations.
    • Propose redefining the multi-stakeholder model to include diverse voices from the Global South.
  • Conclusion:
    • Conclude by emphasizing the importance of India’s leadership in ensuring that global AI governance frameworks are fair, inclusive, and reflective of the diverse needs of all nations, particularly in the Global South.

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