UPSC Current Affairs Practice Questions – 27 August 2024

MCQ Thumb

1. Consider the following statements regarding Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES):

  1. In India, AES is diagnosed primarily using IgM Capture ELISA.
  2. AES is preventable through vaccination.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


2. Consider the following statements regarding BioE3 policy:

  1. The BioE3 Policy aims to leverage biotechnology for economic growth, environmental sustainability, and employment generation.
  2. It focuses on innovation-driven support to research and development (R&D) and entrepreneurship across thematic sectors.
  3. The policy establishes Biomanufacturing & Bio-AI hubs and Bio-foundry to accelerate technology development and commercialization.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


3. Consider the following statements regarding anticipatory bail:

  1. It allows an accused person to apply for bail as a matter of right
  2. The court may impose conditions while granting anticipatory bail, such as surrendering the passport or reporting to the police station regularly

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


4. Consider the following languages:

  1. Tamil
  2. Odia
  3. Hindi
  4. Gujarati

How many of the above languages has been recognised as the ‘classical languages’ of India?


5. Consider the following statements regarding microplastics:

  1. Primary microplastics include plastic fibers from synthetic fabrics, plastic pellets used in industrial manufacturing, and microbeads in personal care products.
  2. Some industries use microplastic abrasives, which can release microplastic particles into the environment during manufacturing processes.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


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