UPSC Current Affairs Practice Questions – 24 September 2024

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1. Consider the following statements regarding Nanozymes:

  1. Nanozymes are nanomaterials that mimic the catalytic activity of natural enzymes.
  2. Unlike natural enzymes, nanozymes are primarily composed of proteins.
  3. Nanozymes are used in environmental remediation and drug delivery systems.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


2. With reference to Koodiyattam, consider the following statements:

  1. Koodiyattam is a traditional performing art form from Karnataka.
  2. It is recognized by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
  3. The performances are traditionally based on Sanskrit plays.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


3. With reference to the Commonwealth, consider the following statements:

  1. The Commonwealth is an intergovernmental organization of countries that were mostly former territories of the British Empire.
  2. All member countries of the Commonwealth have the British monarch as their head of state.
  3. The Commonwealth Secretariat is the main intergovernmental agency and central institution of the Commonwealth.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


4. With reference to Pashmina shawls, consider the following statements:

  1. Pashmina is a Geographical Indication (GI) certified wool that originates from the Kashmir region of India.
  2. The wool used in Pashmina shawls is obtained from the Changthangi goats.
  3. Pashmina shawls are traditionally woven using power looms to ensure uniformity and speed in production.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


5. Consider the following statements:

  1. Project Tiger was launched in 1973 with the aim of conserving the Bengal tiger.
  2. The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) was established under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
  3. The M-STrIPES (Monitoring System for Tigers’ Intensive Protection and Ecological Status) is a software-based monitoring system used in Tiger Reserves.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


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