UPSC Current Affairs Practice Questions – 01 July 2024

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1. Which of following financial accommodation instruments are availed by States/UTs under the RBI Act, 1934?


2. Consider the following statements with respect to Mainland Serow:

  1. It is a species that inhabits at an elevation of 200 to 3000 metres.
  2. It is protected under CITES Appendix I and listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN red list.
  3. The horns are only characteristic of the males.

Which of the statements given above are correct?


3. Bandar-e-Anzali, a port city recently in news, is located on the shores of


4. Which of the following committees have members elected only by the Lok Sabha?


5. Consider the following:

  1. Speaker of Lok Sabha
  2. Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha
  3. Chairman of Rajya Sabha
  4. Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha

How many of the above can preside over a joint sitting of both the houses of Parliament?


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