UPSC Current Affairs Practice MCQs – 02 February 2024

UPSC Current Affairs MCQs

1. Consider the following statements:
1. The first black hole discovered was Cygnus X-1.
2. Neutron stars have weak  magnetic field than normal stars
Which of the statements given above are correct?


2. Consider the following pollutants:
1. Ozone
2. Methane
3. Sulphur dioxide
4. Nitrogen oxide
5. Carbon Monoxide
Which of the above  is/are the main pollutant that cause acid rain?


3. With reference to Foreign Portfolio Investment, consider the following statements:
1. It aims to increase capital availability
2. Flows into the primary market and eligible for profits of the company.
Which of the given above statements is/are not correct?


4. Consider the following:

  1. Ankasamudra Bird Conservation, Karntaka
  2. Magadi Kere Conservation Reserve, Karnataka
  3. Karaivetti Bird Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu

How many of the above are natural wetlands included in Ramsar?


5. Consider the following statements regarding Payment Banks and identify the statement which is not correct?


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