CSAT Previous Year Questions – Quiz 3


– This set contains 25 questions from previous years’ CSAT papers.
– All questions carry 1 mark each.
– There are no negative marks for wrong answer.

1. Out of 30 students, 15 students like maths and 12 students like science. If 5 students doesn’t like maths and science, then how many students like exactly one subject?


2. Consider the following data:

Average marks in English Average marks in Hindi
Girls 9 8
Boys 8 7
Overall Average marks 8.8 x

What is the value of x? (UPSC 2020)


3. The increase in price of a certain item was 25%. Then the price was decreased by 20% and then again increased by 10%. What is the resultant increase in price? (UPSC 2022)


4. In an examination, A has scored 20 marks more than B. If B has scored 5% less marks than A, how much has B scored? (UPSC 2019)


5. There are two containers X and Y. X contains 100ml of milk and Y contains 100ml of water. 20 ml of milk is transferred from X is transferred to Y. After mixing well, 20ml of this mixture in Y is transferred back to X. If m denotes the proportion of milk in X and n denotes the proportion of water in Y, then which of the following is correct? (UPSC 2022)


6. A student appeared in 6 papers. The maximum marks are the same for each paper. His marks in these papers are in the proportion 5:6:7:8:9:10. Overall he scored 60%. In how many papers he scored less than 60% marks? (UPSC 2021)


7. A man started from his home at 14:30 hours and drove to village, arriving there when the village clock indicated 15:15 hours. After staying for 25minutes, he drove back by a different route of length 1.25 times the first route at a rate twice as fast reaching home at 16:00 hours. As compared to the clock at home, the village clock is (UPSC 2022)


8. A car travels from a place X to place Y at an average speed of v km/h, from Y to X at an average speed of 2v km/h, again from X to Y at a speed of 3v km/h and again from Y to X at a speed of 4v km/h. The average speed of car for the entire journey is? (UPSC 2020)


9. A, B, C working independently can do a piece of work in 8, 16 and 12 days respectively. A alone works on Monday, B alone works on Tuesday, C alone works on Wednesday; A alone, again works on Thursday and so on. Consider the following statements:

  1. The work will be finished on Thursday
  2. The work will be finished in 10 days

Which of the above statements is/are correct? (UPSC 2023)


10. A person X can complete 20% of the work in 8 days and another person Y can complete 25% of the same work in 6 days. If they work together, in how many days will 40% of the work be completed? (UPSC 2020)


11. For five children with ages a < b < c < d < e; any two successive ages differ by 2 years

Question: What is the age of the youngest child?

Statement 1: The age of the eldest is 3 times the youngest
Statement 2: The average age of the children is 8 years

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above Question and Statements?


12. Ena was born 4 years after her parent’s marriage. Her mother is three years younger than her father and 24 years older than Ena, who is 13 years old. At what age did Ena’s father get married? (UPSC 2019)


13. Consider the following including the Question and the Statements:

There are 5 members A, B, C, D and E in a family

Question: What is the relation of E to B?


Statement 1: A and B are a married couple

Statement 2: D is the father of C

Statement 3: E is D’s son

Statement 4: A and C are sisters


Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above Question and statements?


14. A family of two generations consisting of six members P, Q, R, S, T and U has three males and three females. There are two married couples and two unmarried siblings. U is P’s daughter and Q is R’s mother-in law. T is an unmarried male S is a male. Which one of the following is correct? (UPSC 2020)


15. If the order of letters in English alphabet is reversed and each letter represents the letter whose position it occupies, then which of the following represents ‘LUCKNOW’ (UPSC 2022)


16. In the English Alphabet, the first 4 letters are written in opposite order; and next 4 letters are written in opposite order and so on. At the end Y and Z are interchanged. Which will be the fourth letter to the right of the 13th letter? (UPSC 2021)


17. The letters from A to Z are numbered from 1 to 26 respectively. If GHI=1578 and DEF=912, then what is ABC? (UPSC 2020)


18. Which date of June 2099 among the following is Sunday? (UPSC 2022)


19. Joseph visits the club every 5th day, Harsh visits on every 24th day, while Sumit visits on every 9th day. If all three of them met at the club on a Sunday, then on which day will all three meet again? (UPSC 2021)


20. Consider the following statements and a Question:

Statement 1: The last day of the month is a Wednesday

Statement 2: The third Saturday of the month was the 17th day

Question: What day is 14th of the given month?

Which one of the following is correct in respect to the question and statements given? (UPSC 2021)


21. Consider the following statements:

Statement 1: Between 3:16 pm and 3:17 pm, both hour hand and minute hand coincide

Statement 2: Between 4:58 pm and 4:59 pm, both minute hand and second hand coincide

Which of the above statements is/are correct? (UPSC 2022)


22. At which one of the following times, do the hour hand and minute hand of the clock make an angle 180 degree with each other? (UPSC 2021)


23. What climate change will undeniably do is cause or amplify events that hasten the reduction of resources. Competition over these diminishing resources would ensue in the form of political or even violent conflict. Resource- based conflicts have rarely been overt and are thus difficult to isolate. Instead they take on veneers that appear more politically palatable. Conflicts over resources like water are often cloaked in the guise of identity or ideology.

What does the above passage imply?


24. In India, over the last decade or so, labour has been departing agriculture, but is only going to construction and unregistered manufacturing which are not markedly better jobs. Services, where labour tends to be most productive, are not generating the additional jobs the country needs. India will need 24 million or so jobs over the next decade. The new sector, e-commerce, can at best close only half the jobs gap. Only those sectors that drive domestic demand such’ as health and education can comfortably fill the other half.

Which one of the following is best implied in the passage?


25. We have hard work ahead. There is no resting for any of us till we redeem our pledge in full, till we make all the people of India what destiny intends them to be. We are citizens of a great country, on the verge of bold advance, and we have to live up to that high standard. All of us, to whatever religion we may belong, are equally the children of India with equal rights, privileges and obligations. We cannot encourage communalism or narrow- mindedness, for no nation can be great whose people are narrow in thought or action.

The challenge the author of the above passage throws to the public is to achieve


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