CSAT Topic-wise Practice Questions – Work and Time [Set 2]

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Subject: CSAT

Topics: Work and Time

This section is designed to help you prepare for the upcoming Prelims Exam. Here are some details about the quiz:

– The quiz consists of 5 practice questions based on specified topics.
– Each question carries 2.5 marks.
– There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
– This quiz is purely for practice purposes.

Your participation in this quiz can significantly boost your score in the Prelims Exam.

Best of luck! Let’s get started.

1. A, B, C working independently can do a piece of work in 8, 16 and 12 days respectively. A alone works on Monday, B alone works on Tuesday, C alone works on Wednesday; A alone, again works on Thursday and so on. Consider the following statements:

  1. The work will be finished on Thursday
  2. The work will be finished in 10 days

Which of the above statements is/are correct? (UPSC 2023)


2. 24 men working 8 hours a day can finish a work in 10 days. Working at a rate of 10 hours a day, find the number of men required to complete the same work in 6 days.


3. 16 men can complete a work in 36 days and 18 women can complete the same work in 30 days. 15 women started the work and after 9 days they were replaced by 18 men. Then how many days will it take in total to complete the work?


4. Tap A, B and C can individually fill a tank in 10, 20 and 25 hours respectively. At first, all of them are opened simultaneously. Then after 2 hours tap A is closed. After 3 more hours, tap C is closed. The remaining filling is done by B alone. Then in total how many hours will it take to fill the tank


5. A, B and C are employed to do a piece of work for Rs 529. A and B are supposed to do 19/23 of the work and B and C are supposed to do 8/23 of the work. What amount should A be paid?


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