CSAT Topic-wise Practice Questions – Venn Diagram [Set 2]

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Subject: CSAT

Topics: Venn Diagram

This section is designed to help you prepare for the upcoming Prelims Exam. Here are some details about the quiz

– The quiz consists of 5 practice questions based on specified topics.
– Each question carries 2.5 marks.
– There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
– This quiz is purely for practice purposes.

Your participation in this quiz can significantly boost your score in the Prelims Exam.

Best of luck! Let’s get started.

1. In a conference, out of total 100 participants, 70 are Indians. If 60 of the total participants are vegetarian, then which of the following is correct? (UPSC 2019)

  1. At least 30 Indian participants are vegetarian
  2. At least 10 Indian participants are non-vegetarian

2. Students in a college have to choose at least two subjects from chemistry, mathematics and physics. The number of students choosing all three subjects is 18, choosing mathematics as one of the subjects is 23 and choosing physics as one of the subjects is 25. The smallest possible number of students who could choose chemistry as one of their subject is


3. In a class of 100 students, 73 like coffee, 80 like tea and 52 like lemonade. It may be possible that some students do not like any of these drinks. Then the difference between the maximum and minimum possible number of students who like all the three drinks is


4. In a group of 80 persons, 50 are Indians and rest are Chinese. Further 40 persons in group can speak English. The number of Indians who can speak English is


5. Consider a group of 100 girls out of which some of them dances, some sings and some draws. 10 girls can dance, sing and draw.  The number of girls who can perform any two and only two of the above activities is 40. Number of girls who can only dance is 20. If all the girls can do at least one the activity, find the number of girls who can only sing or only draw.


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