CSAT Topic-wise Practice Questions – Ratios and Proportions [Set 2]

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Subject: CSAT

Topics: Ratios and Proportions

This section is designed to help you prepare for the upcoming Prelims Exam. Here are some details about the quiz:

– The quiz consists of 5 practice questions based on specified topics.
– Each question carries 2.5 marks.
– There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
– This quiz is purely for practice purposes.

Your participation in this quiz can significantly boost your score in the Prelims Exam.

Best of luck! Let’s get started.

1. A bottle contains 20 litres of liquid A. 4 litres of Liquid A is taken out of it and replaced by same quantity of liquid B. Again 4 litres of the mixture is taken out and replaced by same quantity of liquid B. What is the ratio of quantity of liquid A to that of liquid B in final mixture? (UPSC 2020)


2. The monthly income of Peter and Paul are in the ratio 4:3. Their expenses are in the ratio of 3:2. If each saves Rs6000 at the end of the month, the monthly income of Peter is


3. In an express train, the passengers travelling in AC, first class and sleeper class are in the ratio 1:2:7 and rate for each class are in the ratio 5:4:2. If total income from the train is Rs54,000, find the income from the AC class


4. The ratio of two numbers is 6:8 and highest common factor is 4. Then LCM =?


5. A shopkeeper mixes two varieties of tea – one costing Rs75 per Kg and other costing Rs50 per Kg in the ratio 3:2. If he sells the mixed variety at Rs62.40 per Kg, find his gain or loss percent?


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