Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 81 – CSAT Paper

Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 81

Subject: CSAT

Topics: Revision

This section is designed to help you prepare for the upcoming Prelims Exam. Here are some details about the quiz:

– The quiz consists of 5 practice questions based on specified topics.
– Each question carries 2.5 marks.
– There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
– This quiz is purely for practice purposes.

Your participation in this quiz can significantly boost your score in the Prelims Exam.

Best of luck! Let’s get started.

1. Consider the following statements and Question that follows:


Statement 1: The number is divisible by 2

Statement 2: The number is divisible by 4


Question: Is the number divisible by 8?


Which one of the following is correct in respect of the statements and the Question?


2. Two of the digits of a four digit number is ‘2’ and other two digits is ‘0’. If the difference between the number and the number obtained by reversing its digits is a multiple of 9, then what is the remainder when the number is divided by 100?


3. A number ‘X’ is divisible by both 39 and 21. Then consider the following statements:


Statement 1: The number will always be divisible by 819

Statement 2: The smallest value possible for X is 273

Statement 3: The smallest value greater than 1000 possible for X is 1092

Statement 4: X can never be a two digit number


How many of the above statements are correct?


4. Two statements S1 and S2 are given below followed by a Question:


S1: ‘N’ when divided by 5 gives 1 as a remainder

S2: ‘N’ when divided by 8 gives 2 as a remainder


Question: If ‘N’ is a natural number between 20 and 30, then what is N?


Which one of the following is correct in respect of the statements and the Question?


5. Let ‘a’ be a natural number such that a2 + 5a + 120 is divisible by ‘a’. Then how many values of ‘a’ are possible?


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