Category: Prelims PYQ
UPSC Prelims PYQs – Inflation (Economy)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘Inflation (Economy)’ are given here for practice.– Each question carries 2 marks.–…
UPSC Prelims PYQs – Sharemarket, Companies Act (Economy)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘Sharemarket, Companies Act (Economy)’ are given here for practice.– Each question…
UPSC Prelims PYQs – NPA, Bad-Loans, BASEL (Economy)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘NPA, Bad-Loans, BASEL (Economy)’ are given here for practice.– Each question…
UPSC Prelims PYQs – Budget and Taxes (Economy)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘Budget and Taxes (Economy)’ are given here for practice.– Each question…
UPSC Prelims PYQs – Public Finance & Banking (Economy)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘Public Finance & Banking (Economy)’ are given here for practice.– Each…
UPSC Prelims PYQs – National Income, GDP, GNP (Economy)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘National Income, GDP, GNP (Economy)’ are given here for practice.– Each…
UPSC Prelims PYQs – Money – Barter to Bitcoins (Economy)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘Money – Barter to Bitcoins (Economy)’ are given here for practice.–…
UPSC Prelims PYQs – People, Population & Settlements (Indian Geography)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘People, Population & Settlements (Indian Geography)’ are given here for practice.–…
UPSC Prelims PYQs – Transport & Communication (Indian Geography)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘Transport & Communication (Indian Geography)’ are given here for practice.– Each…
UPSC Prelims PYQs – Mineral & Energy Resources (Indian Geography)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘Mineral & Energy Resources (Indian Geography)’ are given here for practice.–…
UPSC Prelims PYQs – Land / Water Resources & Soils (Indian Geography)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘Land / Water Resources & Soils (Indian Geography)’ are given here…
UPSC Prelims PYQs – Natural Vegetation & Wildlife (Indian Geography)
Instructions: – Previous year UPSC CSE prelims questions from the topic ‘Natural Vegetation & Wildlife (Indian Geography)’ are given here for practice.–…