Category: Polity
Constitutional Amendment Bills
Union Cabinet has cleared the proposal to hold simultaneous elections in India, as recommended by Kovind committee with 15 amendments to the Constitution of India.
Contempt of Court
The Jharkhand government has filed a Contempt petition against the Centre alleging delay in appointment of the Chief Justice of the High Court.
Inner Line Permit
State government of Nagaland has approved the implementation of ILP in Chumoukedima, Niuland, and Dimapur districts.
Collegium System
Supreme Court (SC) ruled that High Court (HC) Chief Justice cannot Individually reconsider Judges’ Appointment, and it must be collectively done by collegium.
Comptroller and Auditor General
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the UAE Accountability Authority (UAEAA).
Public Accounts Committee
PAC to take up ‘performance review’ of regulatory bodies.
Central Vigilance Commission
Highest Corruption complaints against Railway Employees, Delhi Local Bodies, and PSBs: CVC Report
Law Commission of India
The Centre notified the constitution of the 23rd Law Commission