Internationalisation of rupee
Posted in Economy Economy Concepts

Internationalisation of the rupee & Triffin Dilemma

RBI-appointed working group recommended various measures to accelerate the pace of internationalisation of the rupee.

Inland waterways
Posted in Economy Economy Institutions

Inland Waterways

Foundation stone laid for Inland Waterways Transport (IWT) terminal to be developed at Bogibeel (Dibrugarh).

Purchasing Managers’ Index
Posted in Economy

Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI)

Manufacturing growth eased in June as per S&P Global India Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) when compared to May 2023.

Posted in Economy Economy Institutions World Affairs

Debt-to-GDP ratio and SDR

Data released by the Reserve Bank of India shows that India’s external debt at end-March 2023 rose to $624.7 billion from the year-earlier period but the external debt-to-GDP ratio slid to 18.9% at end-March from 20% a year earlier.

Index of Industrial Production
Posted in Economy

Index of Industrial Production (IIP)

The pace of growth of 8 key infrastructure sectors slackened to 4.3% in May because of a decline in the production of crude oil, natural gas and electricity.