Category: Agriculture
Purple Revolution & Aroma Mission
Basohli in J&K to be developed as Heritage town and Aroma StartUp destination
National Livestock Mission (NLM)
Cabinet approves inclusion of additional activities in National Livestock Mission
Varieties of Coffee in India
A recent study says that genetically cultivated Arabica coffees offer better brews
Global Pulses Conference (GPC)
Global Pulses Conference (GPC) urges India to augment Production of Pulses to meet Nutritional requirements.
Scheme for Creation/Expansion of Food Processing and Preservation Capacities (CEFPPC)
Parliamentary committee submits Report on “Scheme for Creation/Expansion of Food Processing and Preservation Capacities (CEFPPC)
National Conference on Promotion of Seaweeds
National Conference on Promotion of Seaweed Cultivation was held recently.
Nano DAP Fertiliser
Interim budget announced the expansion of the application of Nano DAP on various crops in all agro climatic zones.
Sikki or Golden Grass
Sikki artisans suffer livelihood losses amid climate change & state apathy.
Tobacco use 2000-2030
World Health Organisation (WHO) released global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco use of 2000–2030.
Kashmiri Saffron
Kashmir’s saffron production takes a hit because of pollution generated by the cement industry.