Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis Geography GS 1 GS 2 GS 3

Semiconductor scheme

The article discusses the challenges and potential of India’s Design-Linked Incentive (DLI) scheme. This program aims to establish India as a major player in the global semiconductor industry.

Science Communication in India
Posted in Mains C A GS 3 Science and Technology

Science Communication in India

The article emphasizes the significance of proficient science communication in India, illustrated by instances such as the Chandrayaan-3 mission and the distribution of COVID-19 information, and explores the emerging challenges and opportunities in the current scenario.

Rooftop solar
Posted in Editorial Analysis Economic Development Governance GS 2 GS 3

Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday (January 22) announced the ‘Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana’, a government scheme under which one crore households will get rooftop solar power systems.

Post Office Act
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis Governance GS 2

Post Office Act, its unbridled powers of interception

The newly enacted Post Office Act, 2023 and Telecommunications Act, 2023 grant authorities broad powers to intercept postal items and telecommunication messages.

Forest Cover
Posted in Mains C A Environment GS 3

Forest Cover in India

A recent article in the Nature Geoscience journal indicated that an increase in tree plantations led to a nearly 38% decrease in water availability in certain global river basins.

Posted in Mains C A Economic Development GS 2 GS 3 Social Justice

India’s policy frame is not focused on inequality

The interview revolves around the issues of poverty and inequality in India, the lack of data on extreme poverty since 2011, and the effectiveness of various government policies in addressing these issues.

India UK
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 2 International relations

India­ UK defence ties

Recent visit of Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh to the United Kingdom (U.K.) puts focus on opportunities for India-U.K. defence cooperation that have grown significantly in recent years.

ASER Report
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 1 GS 2 Indian Society Social Justice

Rural Women in STEM

Mismatch between aspirations and stream choices has been validated with ASER report findings. Low enrollment of rural girls in STEM related courses is a cause of concern.

Posted in Mains C A Environment Geography GS 1 GS 3

Snowless Kashmir

The article discusses the lack of snowfall in Kashmir, India, during the winter of 2023-2024. This has had a significant impact on the region, affecting tourism, agriculture, and the environment.

Posted in Mains C A GS 1 GS 2 Indian Society Social Justice

High Child Marriages in West Bengal

A recent research published in the Lancet reported a general decline in child marriages across India, with the exception of four states.

Global warming
Posted in Mains C A Environment GS 3

Warming up to climate change

This article discusses the recent record-breaking temperatures of 2023 and the role of greenhouse gases in climate change. It aims to answer the question of why human emissions of greenhouse gases matter even though these gases occur naturally.

Higher Education in India
Posted in Mains C A GS 2 Social Justice

Higher Education in India

According to the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), the unemployment rate for graduates in India is higher compared to numerous other developing countries, potentially due to a mismatch between their skills and the country’s job requirements.