How dangerous is methanol poisoning?
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 1 GS 4 Indian Society

How dangerous is methanol poisoning?

38 people died after consuming spurious liquor in Kallakurichi, Tamil Nadu.

Blueprints beyond borders, for solace and shelter
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 2 GS 4 Social Justice Values and Ethics in Public administration

Blueprints beyond borders, for solace and shelter

June 20th is celebrated as World Refugee Day

Digital Competition Bill
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis Governance GS 2 GS 4 Probity in Governance

What the draft Digital Competition Bill proposes, why Big Tech opposes it

India proposes a new digital competition law inspired by the European regulatory framework to regulate tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon.

Living wills
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis Ethics and Human Interface GS 2 GS 4 Social Justice

Living wills implementation lags in India

Challenges and shortcomings in the implementation of living wills exists in India, despite their legalization in 2018 by the Supreme Court.

Humanitarian aid
Posted in GS 4 Editorial Analysis Mains C A Values and Ethics in Public administration

The politics of humanitarian aid

Humanitarian crises, such as the acute food insecurity in Gaza, pose ethical dilemmas when political agendas obstruct aid delivery.

On judges and bureaucrats joining politics
Posted in Mains C A Aptitude and foundational values Constitution | Polity Editorial Analysis GS 2 GS 4

On judges and bureaucrats joining politics

Recently a Calcutta High Court judge and a senior IPS officer in West Bengal resigned from their posts and joined political parties.

Deprivileging bribe
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis Governance GS 2 GS 4 Probity in Governance

Deprivileging bribe

The Supreme Court held that legislators do not enjoy immunity from criminal prosecution for bribery charges in connection with their speech and votes made in Parliament and Legislative Assemblies.

Electoral Bonds Scheme
Posted in Mains C A Constitution | Polity Editorial Analysis GS 2 GS 4 Probity in Governance

Electoral Bonds Scheme

A five-judge bench of the Supreme Court gave its verdict on the legality of the electoral bonds scheme on Thursday (February 15), holding it “unconstitutional”.

Ethics of Climate Engineering
Posted in Mains C A Environment GS 3 GS 4 Values and Ethics in Public administration

Ethics of Climate Engineering

UNESCO’s World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) has published its first-ever report on the Ethics of Climate Engineering.

Posted in Editorial Analysis GS 3 GS 4 Science and Technology Values and Ethics in Public administration

AI and the Issue of Human-centricity In Copyright Law

Across the globe there are significant change in attitude of global leaders towards AI regulation, including in India.

Posted in Editorial Analysis Constitution | Polity GS 2 GS 4 Probity in Governance

Lok Sabha Ethics Committee

Lok Sabha Speaker has directed a complaint of “cash-for-query” lodged by one MP against another MP to be reviewed by the Lok Sabha Ethics Committee.

Posted in Mains C A GS 4 Thinkers and philosophers


Aristotle (384–322 BC) was an Ancient Greek philosopher and polymath.