Category: GS 3
Plastic Recycling
Existing evidence indicates that current recycling methods fall short and sometimes even have adverse effects.
A case for regulating gig-based work
SyllabusGS Paper 3 – Indian Economy – Issues relating to development and employment. ContextThe Karnataka government’s plan to introduce legislation…
Indian Capital Goods Sector
To capture India’s capital goods market in the global electronics revolution, we must embrace the same innovative spirit that fueled the Industrial Revolution.
Focus on female employment to counter unemployment
A better female labour force participation rate can improve overall family income and welfare, especially in rural India.
The promise of parametric insurance
In 2023, the world witnessed its warmest year on record, accompanied by a surge in natural disasters that caused an estimated $280 billion in economic losses.
The issue with tree planting schemes
The degradation of forest landscapes due to uncontrolled and unsustainable exploitation of resources has led to significant environmental challenges.
Intergenerational equity as tax devolution criterion
The Finance Commission needs to have a relook at the indicators in rewarding State fiscal efficiency.
Urban naxal and Naxalism in India
The Maharashtra government has proposed a bill in the Assembly that intends to curb the threat of Naxalism and its supporters in urban areas (Urban naxal).
The toll that extreme heat takes on women
Women are disproportionately harmed by extreme heat, largely because of unequal power dynamics, gender norms, and unequal access to resources.
The PDS impact on household expenditure
It is time to recognise and address the subject of male reproductive health issues in India
Solar-Powered Micro-Irrigation
To ensure the long-term sustainability of agriculture, the Union government has been promoting the application of micro-irrigation and solar energy in agriculture.