subsidies and safety nets
Posted in GS 3 Economic Development Editorial Analysis

Do subsidies and safety nets take focus away from generating jobs?

Subsidies and safety nets can lead to a culture of dependency, where people become reliant on government handouts instead of seeking employment opportunities.

Emerging countries need women-led climate action
Posted in GS 1 Disaster and Disaster Management Editorial Analysis GS 3 Indian Society

Emerging countries need women-led climate action

The climate crisis is not “gender neutral”. Women and girls experience the greatest impacts of climate change, which amplifies existing gender inequalities and poses unique threats to their livelihoods, health, and safety.

Posted in Editorial Analysis Disaster and Disaster Management GS 3

Are natural disasters man-made?

A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society at any scale due to hazardous events interacting with conditions of exposure, vulnerability and capacity, leading to one or more of the following: human, material, economic and environmental losses and impacts.

Posted in GS 2 Editorial Analysis GS 3 International relations

A‘ fab’ way to conduct India-Japan tech diplomacy

India and Japan, in July 2023, agreed to collaborate on semiconductors in a bid to create a more resilient supply chain for this critical technology and work together for the joint development of the semiconductor ecosystem.

Posted in Editorial Analysis Economic Development Ethics and Human Interface Governance GS 2 GS 3 GS 4

Highlights of PM’s Independence Day Speech

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech on the occasion of India’s 77th Independence Day.

Metrics of India @76
Posted in GS 3 Economic Development Editorial Analysis Governance GS 1 GS 2 Indian Society

Metrics of India @76

Analysis of India’s relative performance in the past 76 years compared to other countries across four parameters — GDP per capita, Human Development Index (HDI),  Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and women’s participation in Parliament

Digital India
Posted in Editorial Analysis Economic Development GS 3 Science and Technology

Hurdles to overcome before becoming digital India

There are many hurdles that need to be tackled in order to boost India’s way towards digital revolution.