Establishing a carbon market
Posted in Mains C A Conservation Editorial Analysis Environment GS 3

Establishing a carbon market

A well-designed carbon market could play a significant role in India’s journey towards a low-carbon economy.

On the ethanol blending programme
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis Environment GS 3

On the ethanol blending programme

India is on its way to achieve its target of blending 20% of petrol with ethanol by 2025-26.

World Biofuel Day | Biofuels
Posted in Mains C A Conservation Environment GS 3

World Biofuel Day | Biofuels

World Biofuel Day was recently celebrated on August 10, 2024.

Great Nicobar Island (GNI) Infrastructure Project
Posted in Mains C A Conservation Environment GS 3

Great Nicobar Island (GNI) Infrastructure Project

Recently, the high-powered committee (HPC) established by the National Green Tribunal in 2023 submitted its reports to the bench, revisiting the green clearance for the Great Nicobar Island (GNI) infrastructure project.

Social Costs of Vulture Decline
Posted in Mains C A Conservation Environment GS 3

Social Costs of Vulture Decline

A recent study has uncovered a significant connection between the decline of vultures in India and the resulting human health crisis.

Woody Encroachments in Grasslands
Posted in Mains C A Conservation Environment GS 3

Woody Encroachments in Grasslands

A study published in ‘Global Change Biology’ discovered that the rise in tree cover within savannahs and grasslands has resulted in a decline of over 20% in native grassland bird populations, especially in the African Savannah.

Coastal Erosion
Posted in Mains C A Conservation Environment GS 3

Coastal Erosion

A recent study has found that coastal erosion is endangering the livelihoods of fishers and other residents in coastal Tamil Nadu.

Plastic Recycling
Posted in Mains C A Environment GS 3

Plastic Recycling

Existing evidence indicates that current recycling methods fall short and sometimes even have adverse effects.

The issue with tree planting schemes
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis Environment GS 3

The issue with tree planting schemes

The degradation of forest landscapes due to uncontrolled and unsustainable exploitation of resources has led to significant environmental challenges.

The toll that extreme heat takes on women
Posted in Mains C A Disaster and Disaster Management Editorial Analysis Environment GS 2 GS 3 Social Justice

The toll that extreme heat takes on women

Women are disproportionately harmed by extreme heat, largely because of unequal power dynamics, gender norms, and unequal access to resources.

Posted in Mains C A Environment GS 3

Soil Degradation

At a recent conference, UNESCO issued a warning that up to 90% of Earth’s land could face degradation by 2050.

A law around low-carbon climate resilient development
Posted in Mains C A Constitution | Polity Environment GS 2 GS 3

A law around low-carbon climate resilient development

There is a need for comprehensive climate legislation in India.