Analysing labour on a warming planet
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis Environment GS 3

Analysing labour on a warming planet

The International Labour Organization (ILO) has released its latest report, ‘Ensuring Safety and Health at Work in a Changing Climate’, highlighting the urgent need to climate-proof labor

Posted in Editorial Analysis Economic Development GS 2 GS 3 Social Justice

The poultry industry needs urgent reforms

India’s environmental laws and regulations must reflect what the public health crisis is showing us: that animal welfare is closely interlinked with public health, ecosystem health and biodiversity conservation.

Agroforestry and Small-scale farmers
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development GS 3

Agroforestry and Small-scale farmers

The widespread implementation of agroforestry in India by small-scale farmers is currently hindered by both ecological and socio-economic challenges.

India’s missing jobs — and where the next government can find them
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis GS 3

India’s missing jobs — and where the next government can find them

India faces a significant challenge in creating enough jobs to sustain its burgeoning population.

Data marketplaces
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis Governance GS 2 GS 3

Data marketplaces: the next frontier

Rapid digitization raises concerns regarding the regulation and governance of citizen data, particularly non-personal data (NPD).

On FTAs with European countries
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis GS 2 GS 3 International relations

On FTAs with European countries

The India-EFTA Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA) is the latest in India’s recent Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).

nuclear waste
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis GS 3 Science and Technology

How is nuclear waste generated?

This article discusses challenges associated with nuclear waste management, particularly in the context of India’s nuclear power program.

India’s suboptimal use of its labour power
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis GS 3

India suboptimal use of its labour power

India’s labour market is pivotal to its economic growth, especially in the phase of demographic dividend. However, the majority of the workforce is engaged in low-quality jobs, resulting in the suboptimal utilization of labour.

RBI and the net-zero transition
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis GS 3

RBI and the net-zero transition — A roadmap for green India

The article discusses RBI’s draft disclosure framework on climate-related financial risks and its implications for green transition.

Green jobs and the problem of gender disparity
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development GS 1 GS 3 Indian Society

Green jobs and the problem of gender disparity

Women continue to be underrepresented in Green Jobs market.This article looks into potential reasons and solutions to include women in the green workforce.

White Revolution 2.0
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development GS 3

White Revolution 2.0

The most recent Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES) for the year 2022-23 indicates that milk has become the primary food item on which Indians, in both rural and urban areas, spend the most.

India's three-stage nuclear
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis GS 3 Science and Technology

The status of India’s nuclear programme

Prime Minister Narendra Modi witnessed the start of the process of core-loading the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) at the Madras Atomic Power Station in Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu.This event marks a significant milestone in India’s nuclear power program.