Swatchh Bharat Mission
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis Governance GS 2 Social Justice

A critical view of the ‘sanitation miracle’ in rural India

India’s sanitation efforts have garnered global attention, but translating infrastructure gains into sustained behavioural change poses ongoing challenges.

Public Health
Posted in Editorial Analysis GS 2 Social Justice

Populism does not help public health

This article looks into public health challenges in India. It critiques the current system’s focus on immediate, politically motivated solutions over long-term preventive measures.

The burden of malnutrition
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 2 Social Justice

The burden of malnutrition

This article delves into the complex interplay between micronutrient deficiencies, particularly iron and vitamin A, and various health disorders, highlighting the multi-faceted approach needed to address this issue.

Posted in Mains C A GS 1 Indian History Indian Society Social Justice

The women before us

75th Republic Day of India: Pre-independence feminist movements played a crucial role in guaranteeing women’s rights in the Constitution.

Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 2 Social Justice

Providing clean water to all

The article highlights the achievements and impact of the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), a flagship initiative aimed at providing clean tap water to all rural households in India.

Posted in Mains C A Economic Development GS 2 GS 3 Social Justice

India’s policy frame is not focused on inequality

The interview revolves around the issues of poverty and inequality in India, the lack of data on extreme poverty since 2011, and the effectiveness of various government policies in addressing these issues.

ASER Report
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 1 GS 2 Indian Society Social Justice

Rural Women in STEM

Mismatch between aspirations and stream choices has been validated with ASER report findings. Low enrollment of rural girls in STEM related courses is a cause of concern.

Posted in Mains C A GS 1 GS 2 Indian Society Social Justice

High Child Marriages in West Bengal

A recent research published in the Lancet reported a general decline in child marriages across India, with the exception of four states.

Higher Education in India
Posted in Mains C A GS 2 Social Justice

Higher Education in India

According to the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), the unemployment rate for graduates in India is higher compared to numerous other developing countries, potentially due to a mismatch between their skills and the country’s job requirements.

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 2 GS 3 Science and Technology Social Justice

Are antibiotics over-prescribed in India?

A recent NCDC study found that over 50% of patients in tertiary care hospitals received antibiotics for prophylaxis, not treatment. This raises concerns about antibiotic overuse and the rise of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in India.

Crimes against Women
Posted in Mains C A GS 2 Social Justice

Increasing Crimes against Women

According to the National Crime Record Bureau’s annual report, there was a 4% increase in crimes against women in 2022 compared to 2021.

Posted in GS 2 Mains C A Social Justice

Centre of Excellence for transgender

The All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, has revealed its intentions to establish a Center of Excellence dedicated to transgender healthcare, scheduled to commence operations in 2024.