India China relations upsc
Posted in Editorial Analysis GS 2 International relations

India-China Relations

Written records of contact between India and China date back to at least the 2nd century B.C.

Posted in Editorial Analysis GS 2 International relations

India-Canada Relations

Unprecedented escalation of tensions between India and Canada due to the Khalistan issue.

India-Sri Lanka Relations
Posted in GS 2 Editorial Analysis International relations

India-Sri Lanka Relations

India and Sri Lanka have a long history of cultural, religious, and linguistic ties that date back to more than 2500 years.

Posted in Mains C A GS 2 International relations

India middle east relations

Tensions in the Middle Eastern Region(war,conflicts)

UN Security Council reform is a song in a loop
Posted in Editorial Analysis GS 2 International relations

UN Security Council reform is a song in a loop

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN) established by the UN Charter in 1945.

Posted in Editorial Analysis GS 2 International relations Mains C A

Israel-Palestine Issue

Surprise attack of Hamas, a Palestinian militant group, on Israel and subsequent declaration of war by the latter.

Posted in Editorial Analysis GS 2 International relations

India’s statistical performance on the global stage

The World Bank’s compilation of Statistical Performance Indicators (SPI) ranks India 67 among 174 countries.

Posted in Editorial Analysis GS 2 International relations

Global dispute settlement, India and appellate review

The recently concluded G-20 Declaration reiterated the need to pursue reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor
Posted in GS 2 Editorial Analysis International relations

India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor

The proposed IMEC will consist of railroad, ship-to-rail networks (road and sea) and road transport routes (and networks) extending across two corridors.

Posted in Editorial Analysis International relations

Analysing where India stands in the G20

India hosted its first G20 Summit this year.

So an analysis of India’s performance in recent decades across various socioeconomic metrics in comparison to its fellow G20 members is essential.

Posted in GS 2 Editorial Analysis International relations

India needs to build closer ties with ASEAN for economic, and strategic reasons

The Prime Minister attended the 20th ASEAN-India Summit and the 18th East Asia Summit (EAS) in Jakarta on 7 September 2023.

Indus Waters Treaty
Posted in GS 2 Editorial Analysis International relations

Cross the boulders in the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT)

India’s protest against Pakistan’s “unilateral” decision to approach a court of arbitration at The Hague in the Netherlands on the issue related to the Indus waters treaty.