India-China Relations
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 2 GS 3 International relations

India’s new possibilities amid China’s relative economic decline

The article examines the debate surrounding China’s economic future and its consequence for the global order. It thereby lays focus on the implications for India and Asia as a whole.

Public Health
Posted in Editorial Analysis GS 2 Social Justice

Populism does not help public health

This article looks into public health challenges in India. It critiques the current system’s focus on immediate, politically motivated solutions over long-term preventive measures.

The burden of malnutrition
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 2 Social Justice

The burden of malnutrition

This article delves into the complex interplay between micronutrient deficiencies, particularly iron and vitamin A, and various health disorders, highlighting the multi-faceted approach needed to address this issue.

Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 2 Social Justice

Providing clean water to all

The article highlights the achievements and impact of the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), a flagship initiative aimed at providing clean tap water to all rural households in India.

Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis Geography GS 1 GS 2 GS 3

Semiconductor scheme

The article discusses the challenges and potential of India’s Design-Linked Incentive (DLI) scheme. This program aims to establish India as a major player in the global semiconductor industry.

Rooftop solar
Posted in Editorial Analysis Economic Development Governance GS 2 GS 3

Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday (January 22) announced the ‘Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana’, a government scheme under which one crore households will get rooftop solar power systems.

Post Office Act
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis Governance GS 2

Post Office Act, its unbridled powers of interception

The newly enacted Post Office Act, 2023 and Telecommunications Act, 2023 grant authorities broad powers to intercept postal items and telecommunication messages.

India UK
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 2 International relations

India­ UK defence ties

Recent visit of Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh to the United Kingdom (U.K.) puts focus on opportunities for India-U.K. defence cooperation that have grown significantly in recent years.

ASER Report
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 1 GS 2 Indian Society Social Justice

Rural Women in STEM

Mismatch between aspirations and stream choices has been validated with ASER report findings. Low enrollment of rural girls in STEM related courses is a cause of concern.

online gaming industry
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis Governance GS 2 GS 3 Science and Technology

Regulating India’s online gaming industry

The article argues that the rapidly growing Indian online gaming industry needs strict regulation, since it has ramifications on financial, social and political sectors of India.

Direct Tax
Posted in Mains C A Economic Development Editorial Analysis GS 3

Robust Revenues

The article revolves around India’s strong current performance in tax collection and its potential implications for fiscal consolidation and future tax reforms.

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Posted in Mains C A Editorial Analysis GS 2 GS 3 Science and Technology Social Justice

Are antibiotics over-prescribed in India?

A recent NCDC study found that over 50% of patients in tertiary care hospitals received antibiotics for prophylaxis, not treatment. This raises concerns about antibiotic overuse and the rise of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in India.