Challenge Prelims V1.0-11
Posted in Challenge Prelims V1.0 Polity

Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 11 – GS Paper (Polity)

Subject: Polity

Topics: Political Parties – Election Laws and Electoral Reforms – Rights Issues and Recent amendments

Challenge Prelims V1.0-10
Posted in Challenge Prelims V1.0 Polity

Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 10 – GS Paper (Polity)

Subject: Polity

Topics: Co-operative Societies – Official Languages – Various Constitutional Dimensions

Challenge Prelims V1.0-09
Posted in Challenge Prelims V1.0 Polity

Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 9 – GS Paper (Polity)

Subject: Polity

Topics: Polity-Constitutional Bodies – Non-Constitutional Bodies

Challenge Prelims V1.0-08
Posted in Challenge Prelims V1.0 Polity

Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 8 – GS Paper (Polity)

Subject: Polity
Topics: Local Self Government, Union Territories, Scheduled and Tribal Areas

Challenge Prelims V1.0-07
Posted in Challenge Prelims V1.0 Polity

Prelims Practice Questions – Polity (Judiciary)

Subject: Polity

Topics: Judiciary

Challenge Prelims V1.0
Posted in Challenge Prelims V1.0 Polity

Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 6 – GS Paper (Polity)

Subject: Polity
Topics: Executive

Challenge Prelims V1.0
Posted in Challenge Prelims V1.0 Polity

Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 5 – GS Paper (Polity)

Subject: Polity

Topics: Legislature

Challenge Prelims V1.0-04
Posted in Challenge Prelims V1.0 Polity

Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 4 – GS Paper (Polity)

Subject: Polity
Topics: Features of parliamentary government – Centre-State relations – Emergency

Challenge Prelims V1.0-03
Posted in Challenge Prelims V1.0 Polity

Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 3 – GS Paper (Polity)

Subject: Polity
Topics: Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) – Fundamental Duties (FD) – Amendment – Basic Structure

Challenge Prelims V1.0-02
Posted in Challenge Prelims V1.0 Polity

Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 2 – GS Paper (Polity)

Subject: Polity

Topics: Fundamental rights (FR) – Writs and Constitutional Remedies

Challenge Prelims V1.0-01
Posted in Challenge Prelims V1.0 Polity

Challenge Prelims V1.0 – Day 1 – GS Paper (Polity)

Subject: Polity

Topics: Historical Background and Making of Constitution – Salient features of the Constitution and Preamble – Union and its territory – Citizenship