Tea Association of India | Tea Industry in India


Tea Association of India warns of return to ‘dark phase’ for industry.

Tea Association of India is an Association of North Indian tea producers in the organized sector of the Indian Tea Industry

  • Production- India is the 2nd largest tea producer and largest black tea producer 
  • Consumption- largest consumer of black tea and consumes around 18% of the total World tea consumption
  • Export- 4th largest tea exporter
  • Major importers- Russia, Iran, UAE, USA, the UK, Germany, and China
  • Leading States- Assam followed by West Bengal
  • Statutory body under the Ministry of Commerce
  • Reconstituted every 3 years
  • Overseas offices- Dubai, Moscow
  • Native- East Asia
  • Climate- 20 degree to 33 degree Celsius, can tolerate light snowfall
  • Soil- well-drained deeper fertile soil in Highlands, acidic pH between 4.5 and 5.5
  • GI Tag- Darjeeling tea is a registered GI product
  • International Tea Day-  May 21

Source: The Hindu

Previous Year Question

Consider the following States:
1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Kerala
3. Himachal Pradesh
4. Tripura
How many of the above are generally known as tea-producing States?

[UPSC Civil Service Exam – 2022 Prelims]

(a) Only one State
(b) Only two States
(c) Only three States
(d) All four States

Answer: (d)

Practice Question

Consider the following statements:

  1. Tea Board is a statutory body under Ministry of Agriculture
  2. Overseas offices of Tea Board are in Dubai and Moscow

Which of the above statements are not correct?


Question 1 of 1

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