UPSC Prelims Facts – 30 December 2023

UPSC Prelims Facts

A team of researchers have developed a method to model the kilonova explosion.

  • Kilonova – A bright blast of electromagnetic radiation
  • Happens when two neutron stars or a neutron star and a stellar-mass black hole collide and merge.
  • A neutron star is formed when a star having a mass more than 1.44 times that of the Sun (as per Chandrasekhar limit) blows off its gaseous envelope in a supernova explosion
  • They are among the densest objects in the cosmos.

A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launched with the X-37B experimental spacecraft in U.S. recently.

  • A re-entry spacecraft designed to operate in low-Earth orbit.
  • Used to –
    • Relaying solar energy from space for use back on Earth
    • Studying the effects of radiation on seeds used to grow food

New Android malware found.

  • A malware that can disable biometric authentication methods like
  • Disables fingerprint and face unlock to steal the phone’s PIN in Android operating systems.

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