UPSC Prelims Facts – 06 December 2023

UPSC Prelims Facts

New study shows that empowering local communities through formalized Community Forest Management (CFM) leads to effective management and restoration of forests.

  • A practice in which indigenous people and local communities manage forests in harmony with nature.
  • States acknowledge Community Forest Resource (CFR) rights – Odisha (1st), Chhattisgarh (within Kanger Ghati National Park)
  • Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (also known as Forest Rights Act) – provide for recognition of right to “protect, regenerate or conserve or manage” CFR.

According to the report India exceeded the 35% HCFC (Hydrochlorofluorocarbons) phase-out goal, achieving a 44% reduction from the 2020 baseline and has also eliminated HCFC 141b.

  • HCFCs are employed as refrigerants in production of new equipment.
  • HCFC 141b, is used as a blowing agent in production of rigid polyurethane foam.
  • India will also phase out use of HCFCs in new equipment manufacturing completely by December 2024 ahead of the Montreal Protocol schedule (2030).

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) bags “ISSA Vision Zero 2023” Award at 23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Sydney, Australia.

  • Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland
  • Founded in 1927 under auspices of International Labour Organization.
  • World’s leading international organization for social security institutions, government departments and agencies.
  • India is a member.

World’s first portable hospital ‘Aarogya Maitri Aid Cube’ was unveiled in Gurugram (Haryana).

  • A modular trauma management and aid system designed for rapid deployment in Mass Casualty Incidents, whether in times of peace or war.
  • Light and portable, and can be rapidly deployed anywhere, from airdrops to ground transportation.
  • Designed indigenously under Project ‘BHISHM (Bharat Health Initiative for Sahyog, Hita and Maitri)’.

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