Caste Census – A census for a new deal

Caste Census

GS 1 – Salient features of Indian Society, Social Empowerment
GS 2 – Welfare Schemes for Vulnerable Sections of the population by the Centre and States.  

Source: The Hindu,9/10/2023

Context: Bihar govt recently released its caste survey data.

Application: where to apply?
When asked about
– Significance/Need/Advantages of caste census/survey
– Disadvantages or challenges of caste survey/census


  • Caste is an ancient system of social hierarchy based on one’s birth that is tied to concepts of purity and social status.
  • Independent India’s constitution banned discrimination on the basis of caste to correct historical injustices.
  • The Indian government introduced reservation as an affirmative action to uplift historically underprivileged sections of society.
  • Caste census with updated and accurate data can pave the way for a reservation policy that truly reflects social justice.


  • A population Census is a process of collecting, compiling, analyzing and disseminating demographic, social, cultural and economic data relating to all persons in the country, at a particular time in a ten year interval.
  • Conducting a population census is undisputedly the biggest administrative exercise in India.

Caste Census in India

  • Caste census means inclusion of caste-wise tabulation of India’s population in the Census exercise.
  • India has counted and published caste data from 1951 to 2011 of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes only.
  • The first census in India to include data on caste was conducted in 1881.
  • The last time a caste census was carried out was in 1931 when India was still under British colonial rule.
  • All caste data are projected on its basis and it became the basis for quota caps under the Mandal formula.

Caste Survey

  • Caste survey is conducted by state governments to ascertain the social and economic status of different castes for better policy making. Eg: Bihar caste survey 2023

Constitutional Provisions

  • Article 340 of the Constitution authorizes the appointment of a commission to investigate the conditions of SEBCs to improve the conditions of the Socially and Economically Backward Classes(SEBC).
  • Caste census helps in the realization of DPSP

Article 38: It authorizes the state to secure a social order for the promotion of the welfare of people and protect a social order by ensuring social, economic and political justice and by minimizing inequalities in income, status, facilities and opportunities.

Article 39: The ownership and control of the material resources of the community are so distributed as best to subserve the common good.

OBC/SC/ST/General Population in India (%)

Source: 2011 census

Significance of Caste Survey or Caste Census

  • Helps in formulating welfare programs.
  • Basis for reservation policies in educational institutes and government jobs.
  • Mapping of caste-based inequalities
  • Assists in defining deprivation indicators.
  • Reinforces a Data-Driven Economy that aids economic policy and decision-making.
  • Help policymakers address caste issues and promote social justice.
  • Upliftment of underprivileged sections of society.
  • Address multiple dimensions of Marginalization.
  • Challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about different castes and their socio-economic status.
  • Help in promoting inclusive growth.
  • Monitor progress towards achieving the SDGs( reducing inequality (SDG 10),promoting inclusive societies (SDG 16)
  • Helps in the realization of Directive Principles of State Policy.
  • The data collected will be a valuable resource for sociologists, anthropologists, and other researchers studying caste dynamics and social inequality.
  • Implementation of affirmative action policies.
  • Tool for evaluating the effectiveness of existing social welfare policies and programs.
  • Insights into the social dynamics of a region like inter-caste relations, social mobility, etc.

Disadvantages or Challenges

  • Privacy Issues: The right to privacy (Article 21) of those being surveyed could be infringed due to the issues concerning their religion, caste, and monthly income.
  • Competence of State: The Bihar caste survey has been challenged on the grounds that the state lacked the authority to conduct such a survey.
  • Reliability of methods: The Bihar caste survey has been criticized for being based on unreliable methods.
  • Complexity of caste system: The caste system in India is so complex and varies across different regions and communities, making it challenging to capture its nuances in a survey.
  • Resistance from privileged groups: Upper-caste groups have opposed the idea of a caste census, fearing that it could lead to a reduction in their representation in government jobs and educational institutions.
  • High Costs: Conducting a nationwide caste census would be an expensive affair, and there are concerns about whether it would be worth the investment.
  • Data interpretation: Interpreting the data collected from a caste census could be challenging, given the complexity of the caste system and the various sub-castes within each broad category.
  • Political Mobilization: Caste-based mobilization is a reality in Indian politics. Political parties use it as a tool for voter mobilization.
  • Threat to National Integration: Hardening of caste identities may hamper the growth of national integration.
  • Further Reservation: Caste Census would also lead to a demand to increase quota beyond the 50% cap as determined by the Supreme Court.
  • Discrimination/Stigmatization: There’s a risk that the data from a caste census could be used to discriminate against or stigmatize certain castes.
  • Social divide: A caste census could potentially deepen social divides by reinforcing caste identities.
  • Create a new caste consciousness: The demand for a caste census can create a new caste consciousness among the various marginalized castes.

Case Study-Bihar Caste Census

  • The Bihar government has released caste-based population data recently. The survey is estimated to collect socio-economic data for the population of Bihar.
  • As per this caste-based socio-economic survey, Other Backward Classes (OBC) and Extremely Backward Castes (EBC) account for 63% of the state’s population.
  • EBCs form the largest chunk of the state population, with a 36% share, while OBCs account for 27.12%.
  • Among OBCs, Yadavs are the dominant group, with a 14.26% share in the population, followed by Kushwahas (4.21%).
  • The Bihar government’s decision to conduct the exercise has been challenged in the courts and is still awaiting final outcome before the Supreme Court.
  • The Central Government had also entered the legal fray, filing an affidavit with the SC, emphasizing that the Census Act, of 1948, bestows exclusive authority upon the Central government to conduct census-related activities.
  • The state government argued that this exercise, although called a “census” was in the nature of a “survey”. The state government pointed to Entries 20, 23, 24, and 30 in the Concurrent List, which required the state to collect this information to effectively implement their welfare programs.

Way Forward

  • The use of technology such as Big data and AI can help in the accurate collection of caste data.
  • Caste census should not be used as a weapon for politics.
  • By collecting accurate caste data, the government can identify the areas where affirmative action is needed and implement policies accordingly. This will help in the upliftment of weaker sections of society and promote social equality.
  • The collection of caste data should be done in a manner that is sensitive to privacy concerns and does not lead to discrimination or marginalization.

Related topics

Mandal Commission

  • The Mandal Commission or the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes Commission (SEBC), was established in 1979 with a mandate to “identify the socially or educationally backward classes” of India.
  • It recommended that members of Other Backward Classes (OBC) be granted reservations to 27% of jobs under the Central government and public sector undertakings.

Practice Question: Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of conducting a caste census in India. How can the government use this information to address issues of social inequality and discrimination? Discuss.


  • Why caste census is important (India Today ,28/09/2021)
  • Caste census: The long and the short of new caste data and its politics (economic times,5/10/ 2023)
  • Caste matters: Why is there a growing demand for caste-based census? (indian express,29 April 2023)

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