UPSC Prelims Facts – 29-30 September 2024

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Government launched the FIRA online portal during the 2nd edition of the Global Food Regulators Summit 2024.

  • Developed by – Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
  • Generates alerts on food consignments rejected by India due to poor safety standards notifying the public and food safety authorities.
  • Has an online interactive interface for rapid dissemination of information ensuring enhanced traceability and transparency.

Square Kilometer Array (SKA), world’s largest radio telescope in making, has carried out its first observations and became partially functional.

  • Aim – Building world’s largest radio telescope, with eventually over a square kilometre of collecting area.
  • Will consist of 1 global observatory, operating 2 large telescopes (South Africa and Australia).
  • Objectives – Understand about the birth of Universe, Detect Gravitational Waves.
  • India joined SKA Organization in 2012 as an Associate Member and has actively participated in the pre-construction phase of the SKA telescopes

PM Mega Integrated Textile Regions and Apparel (PM MITRA) Park inaugurated in Maharashtra.

  • Notified by – Ministry of Textiles in 2021.
  • Aim – To develop integrated large scale and modern industrial infrastructure facilities for the entire value-chain of the textile industry.
  • Time Period – 2021-22 to 2027-28
  • Implementation Agency – Special Purpose Vehicle owned by the Centre and State Government.
  • Eligibility and Selection Criteria – Contiguous and encumbrance-free land parcel of at least 1000 acres, State Textile and industrial policy, etc.

FATF launched Mutual Evaluation Report (MER) for India.

  • An assessment of a country’s measures to combat money laundering and terror financing and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
  • India is in the top “regular follow-up” category.
  • Most developing countries fall under the “enhanced follow-up” category, requiring annual reports, compared to every 3 years for “regular follow-up” countries

Read more about FATF

New study highlights the role circumnutations could play in plant growth patterns.

  • Small, continuous movements made by plants to explore their environments.
  • The movements appear as spirals or zigzags.
  • For example, Sunflowers form a zigzag pattern when grown in dense rows for maximizing sunlight

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