Daily Mains Answer Writing Practice – 22 July 2024

Q. Swami Vivekananda’s contributions significantly revolutionized and awakened the Indian philosophical mind. Analyze his role as a Master of Philosophy in promoting the concept of unity in diversity. (250 words, 15 marks)

PM Modi Meditates at Vivekananda Rock Memorial

  • Swami Vivekananda’s contributions
  • Indian philosophical mind
  • Master of Philosophy
  • Promoting Unity in diversity

Analyze –Break an issue into its constituent parts. Look in depth at each part using supporting arguments and evidence for and against as well as how these interrelate to one another.


  • Begin by introducing Swami Vivekananda as a prominent Indian philosopher and spiritual leader.
  • Mention his significant impact on Indian thought and philosophy.
  • State that the question aims to analyze his role in promoting the concept of unity in diversity.


  • Unity in Diversity Concept:
    • Explain the concept of unity in diversity, emphasizing that it recognizes the underlying oneness amidst diverse forms.
    • Highlight that diversity is inherent in creation, but unity remains the fundamental reality.
    • Quote Swami Vivekananda’s statement: “Unity is before creation, diversity is creation.”
  • Vivekananda’s Philosophy:
    • Discuss how Swami Vivekananda advocated for a universal religion grounded in spiritual realization beyond specific dogmas.
    • Emphasize his belief in the unity of all religions and the importance of respect, sympathy, and understanding among different faiths.
    • Mention his vision of a harmonious world where diverse paths lead to the same ultimate truth.
  • Master of Philosophy:
    • Explore Vivekananda’s deep philosophical insights.
    • Discuss his teachings on the eternal sameness beyond differentiation.
    • Explain how he saw unity in the various constitutions of existence (earth, heavens, gods, etc.).
  • Promoting Unity:
    • Describe how Vivekananda’s teachings inspired people to recognize the common thread that unites humanity.
    • Discuss his emphasis on inner realization and self-evolution as the path to unity.
    • Provide examples of how he encouraged dialogue and mutual understanding among different religious and cultural traditions.


  • Summarize Swami Vivekananda’s pivotal role in promoting unity in diversity.
  • Highlight that his legacy continues to inspire individuals to transcend divisions and embrace the essential unity that binds us all.

Swami Vivekananda (1863–1902) emerged as a torchbearer of spiritual awakening during the late 19th century. His eloquence, intellectual rigor, and commitment to social reform made him a pivotal figure in India’s cultural and philosophical renaissance. His influence extended beyond national boundaries, resonating globally.

  • Unity in Diversity Concept:
    • Vivekananda recognized that unity underlies the apparent diversity in the universe. He emphasized that diversity is inherent in creation, but the fundamental reality is unity.
    • His famous statement, “Unity is before creation, diversity is creation,” encapsulates this perspective. He saw diversity as the manifestation of the underlying unity.
    • Vivekananda’s teachings encouraged individuals to look beyond superficial differences and recognize the essential oneness that connects all beings.
  • Vivekananda’s Philosophy:
    • Universal Religion:
      • Vivekananda advocated for a universal religion that transcends sectarian boundaries. He believed that true religion lies in spiritual realization beyond dogmas.
      • His vision was inclusive, emphasizing the unity of all religions. He saw them as different paths leading to the same ultimate truth.
    • Interfaith Harmony:
      • Vivekananda stressed the importance of respect, sympathy, and understanding among followers of different faiths.
      • He participated in the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago (1893), where he eloquently presented Hinduism’s universal principles and called for religious tolerance.
      • His address emphasized that diverse religious traditions are like rivers merging into the same ocean of truth.
    • Harmonious Worldview:
      • Vivekananda envisioned a harmonious world where diverse paths—whether religious, cultural, or philosophical—converge.
      • He believed that humanity’s progress lies in recognizing the unity underlying apparent differences.
      • His teachings inspired a spirit of inclusivity, urging people to rise above divisive tendencies.
  • Master of Philosophy:
    • Vivekananda’s deep philosophical insights transcended mere intellectual discourse:
      • He saw unity in the various constitutions of existence:
        • Earth, representing the material realm.
        • Heavens, symbolizing the spiritual dimension.
        • Gods, signifying the divine essence.
      • His teachings emphasized the eternal sameness beyond differentiation.
      • He encouraged seekers to explore the inner realms of consciousness to discover their inherent divinity.
  • Promoting Unity:
    • Vivekananda’s impact extended beyond theoretical discussions:
      • Social Reforms:
        • He championed social equality, advocating for the upliftment of marginalized sections.
        • His emphasis on education, especially for women, contributed to societal transformation.
      • Dialogue and Mutual Understanding:
        • Vivekananda engaged in dialogues with scholars, religious leaders, and thinkers across the world.
        • His interactions fostered mutual understanding and promoted unity.
        • He believed that dialogue could bridge gaps and dispel prejudices.
      • Inner Realization:
        • He urged individuals to seek inner realization through meditation and self-evolution.
        • Recognizing the divine within oneself leads to a sense of interconnectedness.
        • Such inner transformation contributes to collective harmony.

Swami Vivekananda’s legacy endures as a beacon of unity in diversity. His teachings continue to inspire individuals to transcend divisions, embrace universal values, and recognize the essential unity that binds humanity. In a world often fragmented by differences, Vivekananda’s vision remains relevant—a call to celebrate diversity while acknowledging the underlying oneness that defines our shared existence.

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