Emile Durkhteim – Division of labour, social fact, suicide, religion and society

Syllabus: Optional Subject – Sociology – Papers I
Sociological Thinkers: (b) Emile Durkhteim – Division of labour, social fact, suicide, religion and society

Durkheim argued that society is more than the sum of individual acts. Discuss(1d/ 2022)
Critically examine how Durkheim and Merton explicate Anomie.20 (3b/2022)
Critically examine the relevance of Durkheim’s views on religion in contemporary society.10 (5a/ 2022)  
Compare Karl Marx with Emile Durkheim with reference to the framework of ‘division of labour’.(13/I/3a/20)
Discuss distinct sociological method adopted by Emile Durkheim in his method of ‘suicide’.(17/I/3c/20)
Explain Durkheim’s basic arguments on suicide. Can you analyse high suicide rates of contemporary Indian society with Durkheim’s theory?(18/I/2b/20)
Critically analyse Durkheim’s views on elementary forms of religious life and role of religion. Also discuss the consequences of religious revivalism in contemporary society.(20/I/3b/20)
What are    the     problems     in     observing     social     facts     in Durkheim’s views?(20/I/5c/10)
How well do you think Tonnis, Durkheim, Weber and Max predicted the character of modern society? Critique.(19/I/5e/10)
In what way did Durkheim perceive religion as functional to society?(18/I/8c/10)
Elaborate the views of Durkheim on “The Elementary Forms of Religious life”.(15/I/8c/10)
“According to Durkheim, the essence of religion in modern society is the same as religion in primitive society.” Comment. (14/I/5e/10)
Explain whether Durkheim’s theory of Division of Labour is relevant in the present- day context. 

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