Credit Rating Agencies

Credit Rating Agencies

New SEBI Guidelines for Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) issued under SEBI Act (1992) and Regulation 20 of CRA Regulations.

  • It will enhance the Ease of Doing business for CRAs and protect investor interests.
  • Communicating rating to companies: By CRAs and within one working day of the rating committee meeting.
  • Appeal against rating: Companies can request a review or appeal of the rating decision have three working days of the rating committee meeting.
  • Public disclosure: CRAs must publish a press release on their website and inform the stock exchange/debenture trustee within seven working days of the rating committee meeting
  • Record maintenance: CRAs must keep records of these disclosures for 10 years.
  • A credit rating represents the viewpoint of a specific credit agency regarding an entity’s capacity and willingness to meet its financial commitments fully and within the established due dates.
  • The credit rating agency assesses a debtor’s creditworthiness by scrutinizing both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the entity under consideration.
  • Regulated by – Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
  • Regulated under Credit Rating Agencies Regulations, 1999 of the SEBI Act, 1992.
  • 7 credit agencies in India: CRISIL, CARE, ICRA, SMREA, Brickwork Rating, India Rating and Research (Fitch Ratings) and Infomerics Valuation and Rating.
  • 3 prominent CRAs control around 95% of the overall ratings market:
    • Moody’s Investor Services
    • Standard and Poor’s (S&P)
    • Fitch Group
  • Types of Credit Ratings –
    • Investment grade ratings mean the investment is considered solid
    • Speculative grade rating implies that investments are high risk.
  • Factors affecting Credit Ratings –
    • Current cash flows and income
    • Market outlook and issues that might prevent timely repayments
    • Amount currently owed and type of debts
    • Payment History

Baa3 rating carry a moderate level of credit risk. They fall within the medium-grade category and might exhibit some speculative attributes.

  • Standardized symbols and their definitions have been devised for issuer rating or corporate credit rating.
  • Rating Symbols (AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB, B, C and D) should have CRAs first name as prefix.
  • Use of modifiers (+ or -): To reflect the comparative standing within the categories of AA to C.
  • Standard descriptors for Rating Watch and Rating Outlook –
    • Rating Watch: CRAs view on expected direction of rating movement in short term.
    • Rating Outlook: CRAs view on expected direction of rating movement in near to medium term.
Credit Rating AgencyCredit Bureau
A CRA provides an opinion relating to future debt repayments by borrowers.A credit bureau provides information on past debt repayments by borrowers.
  • Constituted in 1988 as the regulator of capital markets in India through resolution of the Government.
  • Became Statutory body under SEBI Act, 1992
  • In 2015, commodity markets regulation was given to SEBI by merging Forward Market Commission.
  • Functions under Ministry of Finance
  • 3 Main powers – Quasi-judicial, Quasi-legislative and Quasi-executive

Source: Economic Times

Previous Year Question

Consider the following statements:
1. In India, credit rating agencies are regulated by Reserve Bank of India.
2. The rating agency popularly known as ICRA is a public limited company.
3. Brickwork Ratings is an Indian credit rating agency.
Which of the statements given above are correct?

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2022 Prelims]

(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer: (b)
Statement 1 is not correct:
In India, credit rating agencies are regulated by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

Practice Question

Consider the following statements with reference to Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs):

  1. CRAs are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India.
  2. CRISIL, CARE, and ICRA are some of the important Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) of India.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Question 1 of 1

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