Abhaya Mudra

Abhaya Mudra

Leader of Opposition referred to Abhaya Mudra in his speech.

  • Symbol of Fearlessness
  • Displayed by – 5th Dhyani Buddha, Amoghasiddhi
Bhumisparsha MudraSymbolizes Buddha’s enlightenment under the pipal tree. Often referred to as the “earth witness” and is usually associated with Akshobhya Buddha
Dhyana MudraAttainment of spiritual perfection.  
Vitarka MudraTeaching and discussion or intellectual debate.
Varada MudraCharity, compassion or granting wishes.
Dharmachakra Mudra‘Turning the Wheel of the Dharma or Law’ Exhibited by Lord Buddha while he preached the first sermon in the Deer Park of Sarnath.
Anjali MudraGreetings, devotion, and adoration.
Uttarabodhi MudraKnown for charging one with energy and symbolises perfection or supreme enlightenment.
Karana MudraWarding off evil.
Vajra MudraImportance of knowledge or supreme wisdom

Source: The Indian Express

Previous Year Question

Lord Buddha’s image is sometimes shown with the hand gesture called ‘Bhumisparsha Mudra’. It symbolises:

[UPSC Civil Service Exam – 2012 Prelims]

(a) Buddha’s calling of the Earth to watch over Mara and to prevent Mara from disturbing his meditation.
(b) Buddha’s calling of the Earth to witness his purity and chastity despite the temptations of Mara.
(c) Buddha’s reminder to his followers that they all arise from the Earth and finally dissolve into the Earth, and thus this life is transitory.
(d) Both the statements (a) and (b) are correct in this context

Answer: (b)

Practice Question

Vitarka Mudra, an important gesture in in Buddhist art, refers to


Question 1 of 1

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