Acoustic Side Channel Attacks are increasing – use of AI deep learning can now be used to crack passwords by analysing keyboard strokes
About Side Channel Attacks (SCAs)
- SCAs are a method of hacking a cryptographic algorithm based on the analysis of auxiliary systems used in the encryption method.
- These can be performed using a collection of signals emitted by devices, including electromagnetic waves, power consumption, mobile sensors as well as sound from keyboards and printers to target devices.
- Once collected, these signals are used to interpret signals that can be then used to compromise the security of a device.
About Acoustic Side Channel Attacks (ASCA)
- In an ASCA, the sound of clicks generated by a keyboard is used to analyse keystrokes and interpret what is being typed to leak sensitive information.
- ASCA attacks are not new and have been around since 1950
- AI models are now used to do ASCA with around 95% accuracy.
- These attacks are particularly dangerous as the acoustic sounds from a keyboard are not only readily available but also because their misuse is underestimated by users.
- While there is no explicit means of defence against ASCAs, simple changes to typing could reduce the chances of attacks.
Source: The Hindu
Previous year question
Consider the following communication technologies:
1. Closed-circuit Television
2. Radio Frequency Identification
3. Wireless Local Area Network
Which of the above are considered Short-Range devices/technologies?
[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2022 Prelims]
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Answer: (d)