Bonn Climate Change Conference

Bonn Climate Change Conference

Bonn Climate Change Conference concluded

  • Progress was made toward better functioning international carbon market under Article 6 of the Paris Climate Deal.
    • Article 6 of the Paris Climate Deal – Helps to achieve countries’ emission-reduction goals with 2 main market mechanisms
      • Bilateral deals between countries
      • A new global offset market
  • New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on climate finance & negotiations on Mitigation Work Programme (MWP) remained main issues
  • Proposed in – COP21 for setting post-2025 climate finance goal (new goal).
  • It proposed to raise floor on climate finance above current $100 billion annual target while addressing key shortcomings in current climate financing mechanism
  • Established at – COP26
  • Aim to urgently enhance mitigation ambition and implementation to achieve 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement.

Source: UNFCCC

Previous Year Question

Which one of the following is associated with the issue of control and phasing out of the use of ozone-depleting substances? 

[UPSC Civil Services Exam – 2015 Prelims]

(a) Bretton Woods Conference
(b) Montreal Protocol
(c) Kyoto Protocol
(d) Nagoya Protocol

Answer: (b)

Practice Question

Consider the following statements:

  1. New Collective Quantified Goal under UNFCCC proposes to raise floor on climate finance above current $100 billion annual target.
  2. Mitigation Work Programme, established at COP21 (Paris) aims to urgently enhance mitigation ambition and implementation to achieve 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement.

Which of the statements is/are correct?


Question 1 of 1

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