UPSC Prelims Facts – 14 June 2024

In a recent joint statement, BRICS Ministers for Foreign Affairs emphasized the need to discuss a legal multilateral instrument on PAROS.

  • Aim – To refrain State Parties from placing objects carrying any type of weapon into orbit, installing weapons on celestial bodies, and threatening to use force against objects in outer space.
  • Significance – It would complement the 1967 Outer Space Treaty

High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera onboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) captured images of a mysterious pit on the side of an ancient volcano on Mars.

  • Launched in – 2005
  • 2nd longest-lived spacecraft to orbit Mars.
  • Objective – To gain better knowledge of distribution and history of water on Mars.

The names of the individuals elected to serve on VCI have been announced.

  • Statutory body established under Indian Veterinary Council Act 1984.
  • Funding – Receives 100% Grants-in-Aid from Ministry of Fisheries Animal Husbandry and Dairying to cover its office expenses.
  • Functions – Making provision for regulation of veterinary practice, preparation and maintenance of an Indian Veterinary Practitioners Register etc
  • Composition – Includes nominated and elected members

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