UPSC Prelims Facts – 11 June 2024

UPSC Prelims Facts

Adoption of Facial Authentication Technology (FAT) based Digital Life Certificate (DLC) in 2022-23 by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has eased the life pensioners.

  • A category of biometric security.
    • Other forms of biometric security – Voice recognition, fingerprint recognition, and eye retina or iris recognition.
  • It can identify human faces in images or videos or search for a face among a large collection of existing images.
  • Applications – Used in automatic image indexing, video surveillance systems for personal security, etc.

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is seeking foreign partners for its flagship Mumbai High oil-field due to declining outputs. 

  • Located in – Arabian Sea. 
  • Discovered in – 1974, commenced production in 1976.
  • Significance – Largest oil field in India

RBI in its recent monetary policy review decided to retain the repo rate, for eighth time in a row, due to concerns of sticky inflation.

  • A phenomenon where prices do not adjust quickly to changes in supply and demand, leading to persistent inflation. 
  • Factors behind inflation stickiness – Rising wages and prices for consumer goods and services
  • Impact – It can push monetary authorities to tighten monetary policy and raise interest rates

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