UPSC Prelims Facts – 24 May 2024

UPSC Prelims Facts

Ministry of Commerce and Industry shared certain items to Ministry of Finance to address Inverted Duty Structure (IDS).

  • Refers to situation where import duties on input goods are higher than on finished goods.
  • Impact of IDS –
    • Affects domestic industry, manufacturers’ have to pay high price for raw material than on finished products.
    • Creates working capital issues for the taxpayers as their resources remain blocked in the form of Input Tax Credit (ITC) due to high input tax.
    • Leads to refund-related issues under the GST regime.

Recently, a plane of Singapore Airlines experienced severe mid-air turbulence (irregular motion of the air).

  • Change in wind speed, wind direction, or both, over some distance.
  • Occurs either horizontally or vertically.
  • Occur at – Both high and low altitude.
  • Usually associated with  Jet streams, mountain waves or temperature inversion layers, thunderstorms etc.

Political scientist Ian Bremmer defines a geopolitical recession as a situation where established global power frameworks are crumbling.

  • Boom and bust cycles experienced by  Geopolitics, like economic recession
  • During geopolitical recession, responding to a crisis becomes significantly more challenging due to the decreased resilience of political institutions.
  • Reasons for current geopolitical recession – Long-term rise of China and the Global South, combined with a decline of European and Japanese economic power. Tensions over trade between the US and China

Malaysia is aiming to improve its environmental image by putting forward “orangutan diplomacy”, a type of Animal diplomacy.

  • Involves giving or lending animals as a sign of friendship or goodwill between countries. 
  • Considered as an element of soft power.
  • Key Examples – China’s panda diplomacy; Australia’s koala diplomacy, etc.

SAM pilot models was recently launched in Telangana.

  • Sustainable urban water management technique
  • Involves drilling shallow water borewells to pump out water.
  • The underneath layers are recharged during rainfall causing rise in water tables. 
  • Part of – Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) scheme of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

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