UPSC Prelims Facts – 21 May 2024

UPSC Prelims Facts

FSSAI alerts fruit traders to ensure compliance with prohibition of Calcium Carbide in fruit ripening.

  • Prepared by heating quick lime with coke and releases acetylene gas which contains harmful traces of arsenic and phosphorus.
  • Use of calcium carbide for ripening fruits has been banned under Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Regulations, 2011.
  • Safer alternative for fruit ripening – Ethylene gas can be used at specified concentrations

A new type of financial frauds called Pig Butchering Scams are increasing worldwide, including in India. 

  • Also known as – “sha zhu pan” scam
  • Used to describe a scam perpetrated over a long period of time to steal victim’s money repeatedly via online apps.
  • Criminals lure victims into digital relationships to build trust before convincing them to invest into fraudulent schemes or platforms.
  • The term “pig butchering” comes from the scammers’ practice of “fattening up” their victims by building trust before “slaughtering” them

Purnima Devi Barman received the 2024 Whitley Gold Award dubbed ‘Green Oscar’ for conserving Greater Adjutant Stork

  • Also known as – ‘Hargila’
  • Seen in – Assam (80%) and Bihar of India and Cambodia.
  • Habitat – Inhabits wetlands, nesting in tall trees with closed canopies and bamboo clumps around nesting trees, etc. 
  • IUCN List – Nearly Threatened

UN designated World Bee Day is observed on May 20.

  • Bees are pollinators, contributing directly to food security and conserving biodiversity.
  • Has 3 pairs of legs, 4 wings, and has 5 eyes.
  • Performs waggle dance to communicate the location of food sources
  • Propolis is a resinous substance produced by honeybees, which helps protect hives from invaders and inhibit bacterial and fungi build up.
  • Protected under – International Pollinator Initiative (IPI)

Starlink satellite internet service has been launched in Bali, Indonesia.

  • A satellite network of SpaceX aiming to provide low-cost internet to remote locations
  • Has a lifespan of approximately 5 years. 
  • Remains in low orbit (altitude of 550 km) and will help deliver faster internet with wide coverage.
  • In Satellite Internet service, there are no cables or fibres, rather it receives signal through antenna which is why it is useful in remote areas

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