Padta Bet Site

Padta Bet Site

Archaeologists, have unearthed a 5,200-year-old Harappan settlement at Padta Bet

  • Location – Gujarat’s Kachchh district
    • Near Juna Khatiya, an early Harappan necropolis
  • Highlights of recent excavation –
    • Revealed evidence of Early Harappan to Late Harappan period occupation, including pottery, artefacts, animal bones, and structural remains.
    • Unique ceramics suggest a local pottery tradition
    • Artefacts such as semi-precious stone beads, tools, and animal bones indicate animal domestication and shellfish exploitation.
Image Credits: NCERT
  • River – Ravi River
  • Important findings – Granaries, Bullock carts and Copper Chariot
  • River – Indus River
  • Important findings – Bronze dancing girl in Tribhanga pose, Seal of Pasupathi Mahadeva, Steatite Statue of Beard Man, Great Bath and Granary
  • A trade point between Harappa and Babylon.
  • Known as the craft village of Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC)
  • River – Ghaggar River
  • Important findings – Camel bones, Wooden plough, Ritualistic Fire altar, Discovery of a ploughed field and Evidence of earliest datable earthquake
  • Represents Early phase of IVC.
  • River: Madar river
  • Important finding – Plant remains (rice, millets and bajara)
  • River – Sutlej River
  • River – Yamuna River
  • Significance – Easternmost IVC site
  • Represents all 3 phases – Early, Mature and Later IVC phases
  • Important finding – Necropolis (a large burial site)
  • Important findings – Complex Water harnessing system, Water reservoir
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Surkotada, Gujarat
  • Banawali, Haryana
  • Sadikpur Sinauli, Uttar Pradesh (Harappan Necropolis)
  • Manda, Jammu & Kashmir
  • Ganweriwala, Pakistan

Source: The Indian Express

Which one of the following is not a Harappan site?

[UPSC Civil Service Exam – 2019 Prelims]

(a) Chanhudaro
(b) Kot Diji
(c) Sohgaura
(d) Desalpur

Answer: (c)

Practice Question

Juna Khatiya, an early Harappan necropolis, is presently located in which of the following states?


Question 1 of 1

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