UPSC Prelims Facts – 22 March 2024

UPSC Prelims Facts

Chinese Scientists have created a powerful Sound Laser.

  • Also known as – Sound Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (SASER)
  • First developed in – 2009
  • Feature – Uses a micrometer-long silica bead that is levitated by two beams of light within a reflective cavity.
  • Phonons – Particle-like chunks in sound are called phonons.

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology notifies Fact Check Unit under Press Information Bureau (PIB).

  • PIB – Nodal agency of the government to disseminate information on government policies, programmes, initiatives, and achievements.
  • Notified under – Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 (IT Rules 2021)

GRID-IINDIA was conferred with Miniratna Category-I status for Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs).

  • Established in – 2009
  • Mandate – To oversee the operation of the Indian Power System.
  • Miniratna Status
    • Category I – CPSEs with continuous profit in the last 3 years with pre-tax profit more than 30cr in at least 1 year and have a positive net worth.
    • Category II – CPSEs that have made profit for the last 3 years and have a positive net worth.

Central banks unveiled Project Gaia to evaluate climate financial risks.

  • Project Gaia – Collaboration between the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub Eurosystem Centre and Bank of Spain.
  • Objective – To leverage generative artificial intelligence (AI) to facilitate the analysis of climate-related risks in the financial system.
  • Benefits –
    • Can examine firm carbon emissions, green bonds, and optional net-zero commitment disclosures.
    • Enhanced accessibility to climate-related disclosures and efficient data extraction

State of the Global Climate 2023 report released.

  • Released by – World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
  • Key Highlights –
    • 2023 broke every climate indicator like greenhouse gases, temperature, etc.
    • Current State of Climate Finance flows nearly doubled in 2021-22 compared to 2019-20 levels and reached $1.3 trillion.
    • China, the USA, Europe, Brazil, Japan, and India together received 90% of the increase in fund
  • WMO – Specialized agency of the United Nations for meteorology and related geophysical sciences.

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