The Myanmar conflict is a regional problem

The Myanmar conflict is a regional problem

GS Paper 2 – India and its neighbourhood- relations.
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– North East Insurgency
– Transnational Crime
– Golden triangle

The recent military coup in Myanmar has brought significant upheaval to the region, impacting neighbouring countries like India.

The Hindu | Editorial dated 18th March 2024

The relationship between India and Myanmar, characterized by historical ties and strategic importance, has witnessed significant challenges amidst Myanmar’s internal instability. India shares a lengthy border with Myanmar, presenting both opportunities and challenges in bilateral relations. The recent military coup in Myanmar has intensified these challenges, impacting various aspects of India’s interests in the region.

  • Geopolitical Importance: Myanmar serves as a vital land bridge connecting South Asia to Southeast Asia, enhancing regional connectivity and fostering economic and strategic collaboration.
  • Strategic Significance: India’s proactive engagement with Myanmar serves as a counterbalance to China’s influence in the region, contributing to regional power balancing and stability.
  • Multilateral Engagement: Myanmar’s membership in various regional forums such as SAARC, ASEAN, and BIMSTEC adds a multilateral dimension to bilateral relations, aligning with India’s Act East policy objectives.

The military in Myanmar, staged a coup d’état on February 1, 2021. They seized power from the democratically elected government led by the National League for Democracy (NLD) party. The military claimed widespread fraud in the November 2020 general election, which the NLD won by a large majority, as justification for the coup.

There have also been significant negative repercussions within Myanmar:

  • Crackdown on dissent: The military junta has cracked down harshly on protests and dissent. Security forces have used live ammunition against unarmed civilians, leading to thousands of deaths and injuries. Many political leaders, activists, and journalists have been arrested.
  • Deteriorating humanitarian situation: The violence and instability have caused a worsening humanitarian crisis. Many people have been displaced from their homes, and there are shortages of food, medicine, and other essential supplies.
  • Stalled democracy: The coup has reversed years of progress towards democracy in Myanmar. The military has shown no signs of relinquishing power and holding new elections.
  • Myanmar issue isn’t limited to internal territory of the nation alone. Its impact have spread to neighbouring countries including India.
  • Porous Border: The border between India and Myanmar lacks proper fencing and control, making it easy for individuals to cross between the two countries without regulation. This porousness facilitates the escape of criminals to Myanmar after committing offenses in India.
  • Weapon Availability: The border with Myanmar serves as a conduit for smuggling a significant quantity of weapons into Northeast India, particularly Manipur, contributing to the region’s security challenges.
  • Narcotics Trade Funding: Myanmar acts as a gateway for narcotics entering India, with many insurgent groups engaging in the narcotics trade to finance their armed activities, exacerbating the region’s instability.It is part of the infamous Golden Triangle of drug trade.
  • Ethnic Connections: People in Myanmar share ethnic ties with residents of Mizoram, Manipur, and Nagaland. These shared ethnic connections can potentially foster support from across the border during ethnic clashes in the region.
  • Refugee Influx: The influx of migrants from Myanmar has the potential to disrupt the ethnic balance in India’s border regions, leading to heightened tensions between different communities.
    • The influx of refugees from Myanmar into Manipur has contributed to ethnic tensions, such as clashes between the Meiteis and Kukis, further exacerbating instability in the region.
  • Impact on India’s Foreign Policy: Persistent conflict in Myanmar may influence India’s approach to bilateral transactions with Myanmar, potentially altering the nature of diplomatic engagements and economic cooperation between the two countries.
  • Protection of Investments: India has made substantial investments in projects like the Sittwe port and the Kaladan multi-modal transit project in Myanmar. Preserving these investments is crucial for India’s economic interests in the region.
  • Balancing Relations with the Military Junta: While India has maintained cordial relations with Myanmar’s military junta, providing shelter to Myanmar nationals may strain these ties. Balancing diplomatic relations with humanitarian considerations poses a challenge.
  • Democratic Values: As a democratic nation, India must uphold its democratic principles and maintain distance from autocratic military rulers to avoid backlash from the international community.
  • Countering Chinese Influence: India seeks to diminish China’s significant influence over Myanmar’s military regime, aiming to prevent the establishment of a puppet regime that would jeopardize India’s interests in the region

Support for Democracy and Human Rights:

  • India should persist in advocating for the restoration of democracy and the protection of human rights in Myanmar.
  • This entails urging for the release of political detainees and cessation of the military junta’s suppression of dissent.

Engagement with Stakeholders:

  • India should leverage its influence to facilitate dialogue between the military junta, opposition groups, and armed ethnic factions.

Regional Collaboration:

  • New Delhi should collaborate closely with ASEAN nations to assess and potentially revise existing peace plans for Myanmar.
  • Collective efforts within regional forums can strengthen initiatives aimed at restoring stability and peace in Myanmar.

Economic Engagement:

  • India should maintain economic engagement with Myanmar, prioritizing sustainable development and the welfare of Myanmar’s populace.
  • This involves investment in infrastructure projects and support for the country’s private sector development.

Arms Supply Concerns:

  • The escalation of arms supply from India to the Myanmar military post-coup undermines India’s stance on democracy restoration, as highlighted by the United Nations Special Rapporteur. This contradicts India’s efforts in promoting democratic values
  • Arms supply to forces against humanity must be halted

Security Cooperation:

  • In light of insurgent groups along the India-Myanmar border, India must engage in robust counterterrorism cooperation with Myanmar.
  • However, such cooperation should be conducted in a manner that does not legitimize the military junta.

Solidarity with Myanmar’s People:

  • India should prioritize humanitarian aid and support for displaced individuals affected by the crisis in Myanmar, demonstrating its commitment to regional stability and solidarity with the Myanmar populace.

In conclusion, Myanmar’s internal instability presents multifaceted challenges for India, ranging from border management to diplomatic dilemmas. However, India has adopted proactive strategies to safeguard its interests and promote regional stability. By balancing diplomatic engagements, border security measures, and economic initiatives, India endeavours to navigate the complexities of the situation while upholding its democratic principles and strategic interests in the region.                                  

Related Topics

ASEAN stands for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It is a political and economic union of 10 member states in Southeast Asia.

Together, its member states represent a population of over 600 million over a land area of 4.5 million km².

  • Founded: 8 August 1967, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Headquarters: Jakarta, Indonesia

The primary aims of ASEAN are to:

  • Promote economic growth, social progress and cultural development amongst its members
  • Protect regional peace and stability
  • Collaborate on matters of common interest
  • Promote active cooperation and mutual assistance on economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific and administrative matters
  • Maintain close cooperation with existing international and regional organisations with similar aims

ASEAN member states:

  • Brunei Darussalam
  • Cambodia
  • Indonesia
  • Lao PDR
  • Malaysia
  • Myanmar
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • Viet Nam


The Hindu Businessline.

Discuss the impact of Myanmar’s internal instability on India. [150 words]


  • Briefly introduce the context: Myanmar’s internal instability due to the military coup and subsequent civil unrest.
  • Mention the significance of Myanmar as a neighboring country and its implications for India.


  • Security and Border Concerns:
    • Discuss how Myanmar’s instability affects India’s security.
    • Analyze the porous India-Myanmar border and the potential for cross-border activities, including arms smuggling and insurgent movements.
    • Highlight the challenges faced by Indian security forces in managing this border.
  • Economic and Trade Impact:
    • Examine the impact on economic ties between India and Myanmar.
    • Consider disruptions in trade routes, investment projects, and connectivity initiatives (such as the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project).
    • Discuss how instability affects India’s Act East policy and regional economic integration.
  • Refugee Crisis and Humanitarian Concerns:
    • Address the refugee crisis arising from Myanmar’s instability.
    • Analyze the influx of displaced people into India’s Northeastern states.
    • Discuss the strain on local resources, social tensions, and the need for humanitarian assistance.


  • Summarize the multifaceted impact of Myanmar’s instability on India.
  • Emphasize the need for India to engage diplomatically, support stability in Myanmar, and address security and humanitarian challenges.
  • Conclude by highlighting the interconnectedness of regional security and the importance of a stable neighborhood for India’s overall well-being.

Remember to provide a balanced answer, incorporating relevant facts and figures, and propose feasible solutions. Structure your answer well, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Also, ensure that your answer is within the word limit specified for the exam. Good luck!

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